Lets first began with understanding of
HEMOLYSIS due to the "G6PD-Enzyme deficiency"- in a simple terms.
The red blood cell in blood carry
oxygen, now oxygen has certain free radical as well as superoxides which are present in the air as well as are formed in body due to various chemical reaction, not the RED BLOOD CELL is equipped with special chemical formation capabilities which uses "G6PD" convert the toxic free radical / superoxides into non toxic oxygen hence, protection the damage to the cell.
The free radical are those which makes our skin wrinkle as we age and the exposure to such atmospheric and food free radical makes us look old, in case of the RED BLOOD cells they rupture them if their is
G6PD deficiency cause the
detoxification chemical is not formed due to absence of " G6PD Enzyme" and the rupture on these cell in known as hemolysis (hemo=blood , lysis=destruction)
NOW I think it will make more sense to talk about the OXIDATIVE STRESS/ OXIDATIVE FOOD
FAVA BEANS has a largest amount of oxidation content hence eating it will release huge amount of oxidization molecules making it harder for
RBC with our G6PD to form the required neutralization/detoxification chemical and forces RBC TO rupture.
*** following is the list of things having high oxidative power and needs to be avoided.
1) Too much animal protein in your diet.
2) Oils that have been heated to very high temperatures.
3) Preservatives in your food.
4) Drugs (over the counter and prescription as far as possible avoid it e.g. pain killer)
5) Alcohol.
6) Chlorinated water that you drink, shower in or swim in
7) Artificial food colorings and flavorings
Smoking / passive inhale of cigarette smoke.
Follow are the list of antioxidant that will help to protect the oxidative crises
1) Fresh Fruits and vegetables ,eggs ( contains vitamin -C & Carotenoids )
2) Vegetable oils (contains Vitamin - E)
3) Tea, soy, fruit, olive oil, chocolate, cinnamon, oregano (contains flavonoids).
Hope it helps in making a decision, for your own shake, and "ANTIOXIDANTS" also fight agains "AGING"