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i am 41 years old suffering from lower back bruising i am 42 now had discharge from nipples i am 42 years of age i have prehypertension 140 90 95 since i am 42 years of age i have prehypertension 14090 95 since i am 43 and my period is late i am 43 been on bc tri sprintec for 12 years i am 43 yrs old now and was wondering i am 44 years old my blood test results hba1c-76 i am 45 and have high sgpt with bilirubin of 1 3 i am 45 my menstruation cycle is getting shorter i am 45 why does my whole body ache i am 45 yr old female had meiners disese and inner ear surge i am 46 years old my pulse is 64 is this good i am 47 year old diabatic my blood sugar level is 167 213 i am 48 right tonsil enlarging i am 48 years old and had have my period very heavy and for 8 days non stop what causes this i am 49 my creatinine level 29 how to lower i am 49 years old and heavy periods for 2 days and then it i am 49 years old married person sufeereing from anxiety panicpresently i am 4week pregnant using progesterone capsules gestofit 200 i am 5 039 10 135 lbs 34 28 39 measurements good or bad i am 5 5 weigh 123 lbs and 19 years old i work out 6 days i am 5 feet 2 inches and weigh 127 pounds am i fat i am 5 feet 9 inch tall and 240 pounds how to reduce weight i am 5 feet tall and 170 lbs i am 5 foot 4 inches and weigh 109 pounds i am 5 foot 6 inches and weigh i am 5 foot 7 inches and weigh 166 pounds i am 5 foot 9 and weigh 120 pounds i am 5 foot tall and 105 pounds i am 5 months without a period not pregnant i am 5 weeks preg gestational sac and yolk sac present i am 5 weeks preg gestational sac elongated i am 5 weeks pregnant i got blood i am 5'7 and weigh 250lbs. how do i lose weight? i am 52 and 116 lbs am i fat i am 52 yrs old and my heart skips beats and makes me cough i am 53 year old but still has irregular menstruation i am 55 kg of 6 feet am i underweight i am 56 with stent implant in lad what are my life expectancy i am 57 i weigh about 145 am i fat i am 5ft 10 male and weigh 65kg i am 5ft 2 and 52 kg i am 5ft 2in and 98 lbs and need to lose weight i am 5ft 4in tall and i weigh 170 lbs am i considered obese i am 5ft 7in tall and i weigh 210 lbs am i considered obese i am 5ft tall i weigh 170 pounds and im 31 i am 5weeks pregnant i am addicted to spasmo proxyvon bu i am 6 ft and 110 kg i am 6 months pregnant blood stains found
i am 6 weeks 3 days post embryo transfer i had my first va i am 6 weeks pregnant and am having menstrual type cramps da i am 6 weeks pregnant and continuously vomiting i am 6 weeks pregnant and i have lower abdominal pain i am 60 my cholesterol is 175 hdl 48 ldl 95 i am 61 my pulse is 52 is that ok i am 62 kg in the 7th month of pregnancy i am 65 kg 5 ft pregnant i am 69 years old what is my life expectancy i am 6th week of pregnancy have cold and fever i am 7 months pregnant and feel alot of pressure in my chest i am 7 months pregnant and having menstrual cramps is this normal i am 7 weeks pragnent i took 3 cytotec pills when i was 4 w i am 7 weeks pregnant as i had a blighted ovume last year i am 7months pregnant and having weird chest pains i am 7weeks pregnant i have been having a tasteless toungue i am 8 days late and spotting am i pregnant i am 8 kgs overweight and want to i am 8 months pregnant and in my urine there is crystals of calcium oxalate i am 8 months pregnant and my sgpt is high i am 8 week pregnant i am taking tb medicine i am 8 weeks pregnant and have had a fever between 99 and 10 i am 8 weeks pregnant is it safe to take duphaston tablets i am 8 weeks pregnant with urin test negative i am 80 kgs i am 85kg and my hight is 52 and i have pcos what is ideal wight for me to get pregnant i am 8week pregnant , can i travel long distances i am 9 dpo have experienced weight gain lower pelvic pain i am 9 months pregnant and having severe pains i am 9 weeks pregnant and have pain near the naval i am a 17 year old male and i have cellulite on my thighs an i am a 21 year old male who only weighs 112 pounds even tho i am a 23 year old man with high blood pressure and a high h i am a 24 yr old male i have suddenly got acne breakouts all i am a 29 year old i am alcoholic i am a 31 yr old male and my blood sugar was at 104 does this mean i have diabetes i am a 34 year old man and i started losing my hair about tw i am a 40 year old male with oddi dysfunction i am a 40 year old maleand i am always tired i am a 43 year old female why do i sweat when i just move an inch i am a 47 year old woman who has total hair loss any suggestions i am a 47 yr old male and my bp is 99 61 pulse 72 is this normal i am a 48 year old male dizzy and lightheaded i am a 50 year male and always tired i am a 50 year old man with apparently no health problems ye i am a 57 year old male and i am taking avalide 125mg and i am a 61 year old male i am experiencing a lot of pain in i am a 67 year old male whjo takes androgel 30mg twice a day i am a bit scared about rectal bleeding please help i am a captain in merchant navy and presently having high ld