Hey guys.....Okay,leme get to the topic first.. :) I am 23 yrs old girl, and I hve been xperiancing tis weird sense of vomitting at nites. Am a late nite person and go to bed by 4am! When I lie down to sleep,thats wen i feel this vomitting sensation....But i DONT! Thats the weird part :-/ What could be the problem???And yes, I do have some weird feelings in stomach at times and I also have irritable Bowel Syndrome! And if i lie under the fan,i have this weird throbbing type of sensation at the bottom end of head ,on the left side(backside). And my hand also hurts in various parts and there is pain on my knee and foot too.......Why is everything on the left side? Could this be something related to some nerve problem by any chance??? Can someone answer this please????