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Have groin ache, had unprotected sex. STI and PCR negative. US of testis showed Varicocele and Epidiymiti. Chlamydia?
Blood test showed high cholesterol. Suggest?
Having constipation. Presribed Cremaffin. Is this drug habit forming?
Underwent PTCA with stenting, on plagerin and Tonact. Can Vitamin K2 recommended for heart health?
Overweight. Report indicate high serum Lipase, specific marker for pancreatitis. What does this indicate? Liver problem?
Want to preponed periods. Suggest medicine?
Have had Blood test. What does report indicate?
Born premature and could not feed. So fed with formula one. Now baby breast feeding. Having lot of pain feeding. What to do?
Diabetic and had stent. Felt dizzy and weak. Taking metformin, Fumrate, simvastatin, Glyburide and metroprolol. Side effect?
Have pain in wrist, at the bottom of thumb without swelling. Cause?
Have vertigo, fear of heights and motion sickness. Have dizziness when get up from bed. Suggest?
Suffering from fever, body and headaches. Suggest medicine?
Had unprotected sex. Took nordette after sex. No bleeding. Have regular periods. Normal?
Have pain in collar bone usually after eating ad drinking. Cause?
Diabetic. Have chronic heart failure and COPD. Provided attachment. Do you have a diagnosis/prognosis? Is there a serious risk of infection?
Have itching in labia, buttocks and clitoris with white discharge after menses. Prescribed Candid and Flucos. Completed clomid
Done thyroid test, on eltroxin for hypothyroid. Feel slightly overactive. Suggest?
Blood pressure. Had shoulder surgery. Taking vitamins C. Fell breathlessness. Have numbness in leg. Suggest?
Diagnosed with cancer and prescribed Novartis. Suggest generic equivalent to it?
Diabetic. Need endocrinologist doctor. Suggest?
Had some congestion. Found left lobe infiltration. Prescribed antibiotic. How long will it take for recovery?
Having nephrotic syndrome. Biopsy confirmed Minimal Change Disease, taking Wysolon. Side effect?
Suffering from dandruff and hair loss. Suggest ways to prevent it?
Experiencing chest pain and real burning sensation while walking. Blood pressure normal. What could be the cause?
Have positive speckled 1:320 and then negative and again positive. Suggested Lupus. Concerned?
Injured foot. Suffer pain. Diagnosed with Osteoporosis earlier. Now on wheel chair. Cannot put weight on the leg. Can this be Osteomyelitis?
Reports showed fetal cardiac activity and somatic activity are present. What is Down's syndrome risk?
Has severe lower back pain. Taken painkillers. Applied vicks. Should I need doctor's attention?
Diabetes 2; chronic heart patient. Have hypoxia. Suspected sepsis. Could it be pt's blood count is presently adequate?
Getting sporadic shooting pains at back side of head. Suggest?
Five months old. Gums feel hard. What precautions to be taken before teething?
Lower back pain, getting Radio Frequency Injection and take Naprosyn but no help. Can disc replacement be done?
Taking losartin, atenolol and amlodipine. Continue medication?
Chest X-ray showed some nodules and wanted second X-ray. Father had lug cancer. Chances?
Suffer pain due to injured foot. Diagnosed with Osteoporosis earlier. Now on wheel chair. Cannot put weight on the leg. Can this be Osteomyelitis?
Have pain below the ball of foot. Feel like small bubble. Suggest?
Suffer severe chest pain and panic attack. On Prozac Xanax. Worried?
Had unprotected sex. Have regular periods. Chances of pregnancy?
Suffer acidity. Consuming Cyntodac. Sufer weight loss. Do you think IBS patients loose weight normally?
Having Back pain. Treatment?
Has bad rash on genital area. Biopsy revealed inflammation. Having severe pain and burning. Advise?
Having PCOS, on homeopathy and getting regular periods but body and facial hair increasing. Treatment?
Has inflamed liver and suffer extreme pain. Having temperature. suggestions?
Suffer vaginal infection. Have tiny spots with puss. Have it on face and ears. Help?
Child had fever and insect bites, prescribed bactrim and also giving Motrin. Suggest?
Having rib cage pain below breast towards stomach. What could be the cause?
Have nagging dull abdominal ache and also at back. Suggest?
Have burns on skin. Had kenacort injection. Noticed white patches. Can the spreading of patches be stopped?
What is most common Hepatitis's, its symptoms and what does elevated liver enzymes mean?
Was born premature. Head side falls below the chart line. Is the growth normal?
Which sleeping pills available medical shop without doctor prescription?
hHow to get dildo that is stuck in anal passage?
Have runny nose at night and chest burns during day. Suggest?
Only have gas and clear liquid while passing stool. Suggest?
Have ulcer poss high blood pressure. Suffer temperature, memory loss and shaking. Cause?
Want to increase height. Suggest ways?
Have dark skin with patches on soles. Worried about melanoma. Suggest?
Has high level of serum insulin. Will that reduce the chances of pregnancy?
Have ever ,chills, headache, giddiness and body ache. Taking Nutrolin BPlus and Dolo 650. Suggest medicines for throat pain?
From the childhood have stammering problem. How to resolve?
Suffer from severe knee pain, cannot straighten leg after getting up. Have gained weight. Suggest?
Blood test showed B12 levels are around 1500. Took sublimial B12 tablets. Right side hurts due to gastric sleeve. Suggest?
Trying to conceive but not able to. Had taken pills earlier to avoid pregnancy. Suggest?
Facing problem with itching. Skin has become black on buttocks. Suggest?
Have blood in stools, belching and light headed with fluctuating BP. Took prisolec. Suggest?
Had serious inner ear infection. inserted tube. Having pain. What else can be done?
Feeling feverish. What to do?
Massive stroke affecting her right temporal & occipital lobes. Information on what the patient is going through terms of alertness, awareness?
White patches appear on leg and small patches on head. Treatment?
Foreskin thread not broken. How can I get it done?
Suffering from anal itching. Prescribed Zentol and topical cream. Am I suffering from worms?
Has severe epilepsy and anxiety. Want to give Abilify or Invega shots. Will this trigger seizures?
Have fungus in groin and scrotum. Ointment helped but it occur again. Permanent solution?
Suffer throbbing pain under rib cage. Noticed very light colored stools. Itching on hands and face. What can this be?
Taking steroids. Had transdermal from flector patches. Having weakness, unable to urinate and suffer diarrhea. Suggestions?
Have pain in knee when ascending and descending stairs. Suggest?
PSA level has raised. What to do further?
Have Freckles on face and marks of pimples, tried ointments but no help. Suggest?
Have skin diseases because of bed bugs. Get itching under sunburn and skin becomes red. Suggest?
Getting headache and eye pain when working in front of system. Eye checkup normal. Suggest?
Had kidney stone, removed with shock wave therapy but again getting stomach pain. Suggest?
On prozac. Suffer anxiety. On Depakote. Refuse lithium. Is that fine?
Had hysterectomy followed by anxiety. Given antidepressant but no help. Given Estrogen for low level. Suggest?
Has a large kidney stone that need to be removed. Suggest?
Have callagenous colitis and have gall stones. Have diarrhea, nausea and lower bowel pain. Suggest?
Mother in law suffering form Alzheimers, dementia. Looking for doctor?
Have red dots on torso, broken vessels around nose and spot on forehead. Suffer hair fall. What could these symptoms indicate?
Have red itchy spots on arms and upper legs. Have area of poison ivy, taken cortison for relief. Suggest?
What is the difference between Sipramycin and Sipromycin?
Have a very slight ache on jaw, neck, and upper arm. What might be the cause?
Can long term use of Nexium cause breaking of blood vessels under skin on arms?
Going through Irinotecan. Side effects are severe diarrhea. Controlled with lomotil and Imodium. Suggestions?
Have abdominal ache and back discomfort, weight loss, frequent and smelly bowel movement. Suggest?
Suffering from spinal cord pain, taking long breath is painful. Suggest?
Would like to reduce weight. Suggest diet?
Experiencing strange feeling on midriff area and around right side of back. Suggest?
Failed drug screen, don't use marijuana. Drink lot of vitamin supplement and have B2. Cause?
Has screw in elbow and edge of screw is backing out of bone. What to do?
Getting facial tics, advised Foculin and was taken off. Still having same sensation. Suggest?
Have Hashimotos, experiencing severe stingy itching, loss of balance, light headed, joint aches and muscles cramp. Suggest?
Was abruptly stopped from dilaudid and methadone, felt like dying. Suggest?
Diabetic and high BP. Had lab test done. What does report indicate?
Had red mark on penis head. Blood test for virus negative. Herpes?
One testicular is smaller than the other and very tender. Cause?
Had temporal lobectomy, experiencing pain near temples like pressure pain and twitching in neck. Suggest?
Suffer from upper lobe lung consolidation and hilar mass. Sputum test shows superficial squamous epithelial cells mixed with basal cells. Help?
Had pounding headache and metallic taste in mouth, feeling sick. Suggest?
Had unprotected sex and HPT negative. Again after sex took ipill and had bleeding. Cause?
Pregnant, have rashes which itches on breast, belly and back. Suggest?
Suffering from severe gastric trouble, severe bloating and belching with flatulence. Suggest?
Get sneezing and cold feet. Eosinophil count is high, prescribed metaspray and cetrizie. Cure?
Blood test showed Mild anisopoikilocytosis. Meaning?
Had ultrasound report with LFT, found enlarged fatty liver and high tiglyceride, SGOT and SGPT. Suggest?
Mistakenly taken Panadene fort not realizing it was codiene. Suggest?
Had swollen painful lymph node. Given steroid and on Azithromycin. Still swollen and on allergy medication. Suggest?
Sugar level is high and taking Forminal with Losasun. Consuming alcohol. Suggest?
Skin sensitive more cherry angiomas and petiache. Headaches. Tested for HIV. Suggestions?
Used cocaine. Noticed swollen lymph nodes under chin. Prescribed Amoxcilin. Suggested viral infection. What to do?
Daughter suffer low IQ. no interest in any activity at school. Advise?
History of irregular periods. Prescribed fertomid and duphaston. Pregnancy test showed faint line. Had early abortion. Chances of pregnancy?
Suffering from hepatitis, bilirubin level is high with fever. Suggest?
Cancer patient. Tried FNAC. Ultrasound indicated metastatic carcinoma cells. Cancer spread to lungs and heart. Suggest?
49 years of age, wanted to start family. Should i get tested to know number of follicles left?
Have had preconception tests done. What are the findings?
Have hypothyroid and lymph nodes in neck. Get swelling after drinking alcohol. Can alcohol trigger hypothyroidism?
Had Lyme disease and was treated. Now have itchy rash on arms and legs. related?
Having course of prostap injections. No periods. Gained weight. Hot flashes. Normal?
Rubbed penis on vagina. Got late periods but stopped in 2 days. Pregnant?
Does Monistat and Azo Yeast affect Nexplanon birth control?
Have burning and pain when touched in both shoulder blades and side of ribcage. Cause?
Having boils all over body. Pregnant. Following diet. Prescribed Sinate OD and Dubagest. Safe?
Have sleep apnea and tickling sensations all over the body. Suggest medical association?
What is a semioccult nodule in the right breast?
Had injections to relieve back pain. Suffer lack of energy. Result of drugs?
While having intercourse felt penis pop and it has curvature to it. Cause?
How quickly does C. diff spreads to colon? How sensitive it is? Took antibiotics. Resulted in severe diarrhea. Suggestions?
Child complaining of neck pain, fever, back pain and leg pain. Suggest?
Feel light headed and sweating. Blood sugar crashed. Have mild mitral valve prolapse. Suggest?
Got kicked in pubic bone area, felt bruised and swollen. Taking naproxen and paracetamol but no help. Suggest?
Have stepped on rusty toys and now have horrible headache, stiff neck and racing heart. Suggest?
On fentanyl. Have Lyme. Suggested heroin showed in lab test. Concerned?
Have had tests done for cholesterol. Findings?
Hair was thinning, put on Sodium Valporate. Suggest?
Have mild aspergers. Heard about Oxytocin. Suggest?
Feel fatigue and pain in arms and legs. Had blood test done. What is the diagnosis?
Have chills, night sweats and leg pain. Started after taking myleogram. Lupus and fibromyalgia test negative. Take ibuprofen
Take fish oil DHA which helps with tryglycerides. Is it safe to take empty stomach?
Diagnosed with Herpes. Prescribed Valtrex. Terrible pain in leg. What is causing this?
Overweight, hip feels sore and feel strained hip muscle. Thoughts?
Pregnant, have bleeding with clots but no pain and also have panic attacks?
52 years old and had delayed periods with cramping and no bleeding. Cause?
Have sleep apnea, narcolepsy and diabetes. Unable to control legs. All tests normal. Suggest?
Had sex, took ipill. Have delayed periods so took ipill again. Suggest?
Have problem of irregular period but has not got periods. Suggest medicine?
Had hysterectomy noticed blood in panties. Have sore genital and swelling around urethra. STD?
Had breast cancer, done chemo and radiation. Ovaries shut down and would like to remove. On lupron. Suggest?
Have extremely enlarged prostate. Had TURP and laser treatment. Suggest?
Have problem of premature ejaculation resulting in bad sexual life. Suggest?
Took pre-employment urine drug screen. Taking methadone for chronic back pain. Will that show positive?
Have been soiling underwear with fecal matter and sometimes leaking to clothes. Suggest?
Suffering with itching on crotch, used ring guard cured and again formed on bums and abdomen area. Suggest?
Has pain in torso where leg bends with hip numbness. has fractue in back. Suggest?
Has trouble hearing low sounds and diagnosed otoscelrosis. Suggest kind of hearing aids?
Taken treatment of epidermal tuberculosis. Got tested with Tb gold test and was positive. Suggest?
Facing problem of premature ejaculation, do smoke and was drinking alcohol. Suggest medicine?
Allergic to MSG and high concentrations of sodium. Suggested to take lemon and lime GATORADE. Guide?
Pain in testicle. Radiates up inguinal canal and pubic area. Have borderline WBC and RBC. Showed mild epididymitis and a varicocele. Help?
Have blood clot on cheeks. Suggest cure?
Have problem during excretion, burning and blood in stool. Suggest?
Pregnant, have fever and body ache. On antibiotics for urine infection. Suggest?
Pregnancy test positive. Suggest ways to terminate pregnancy?
In kidney hydronephrosis shows a calculus in middle calyx. Suggest?
Had muscular cramps and spasms in foot and shoulder. Suggestions?
Want to prepone periods. Suggest?
Feeling aches in arms and legs. Have gastrointestinal symptoms and stomach pain. Suggest?
Have lump in elbow. Vein swelled. Having pain and discomfort. Fel tired and sleepy. What can be done?
Had sex during ovulation. Have white discharge, light headed and metallic taste in mouth. Pregnant?
Want to increase length of penis. Suggest safe method?
What is the best healthy fat loss diet for diabetic?
Have delayed periods, advised meprate and got withdrawal bleeding. Still have cramps. Suggest?
Had spinal surgery. On Marcaine. Have blood pressure. Suggest?
Having abdominal pain on and off. Ultrasound normal. Suggest?
Have body aches. Have soreness. Feel depressed. Had oral sex. Could this be due to virus?
No periods. Looks skinny. Diagnosis of anorexia. What does these indicate? Diagnosis?
What is CLL and SLL. How do people die from it?
Seems like the clitoris enlarged and protruding outside lower vagina. Cause?
Has bright spot around head of penis tender to touch. What can this be?
Get small painful bleeds usually on fingers. Underlying cause?
What does Mild-moderate small vessel micro-ischemic changes of the white matter of cerebral hemisphere mean?
Given Lupi injection. Follicular grown. How many hours before the test would the follicle have ruptured?
Has hypoeosinophilitis syndrome. Had hip replacement. Drink beer. Can taking beer affect the condition?
Had ulcer and blood work showed Hepatitis C. Treatment?
Had headache, body pain and fever. Paracetamol didn't help. On ecospirin, clopidrogel and metroprolol. Suggest?
Have CLL and SLL with pneumonia, have soft tissue density near iliac vessels. Cause of death?
Blood pressure goes down after workout and pulse rate is high. Suggest?
Having back spasms and pain. Had liver transplant. No Tylenol or Nsaid. Suggest?
Diabetic. Take medicines for High Blood Pressure, and Sertraline. Gaining weight. Cause for weight gain?
Diagnosed with visual snow. See flashing lights. Pupils differ in size. Having idiopathic neurolocic issues. Suggestions?
Had fever due to exposure to cold water. Suggest?
Noticed spotting. Had PAP test. Suggest?