Frequently Having Palpitations, Anxiety, Right Shoulder Pain. Unable To Concentrate On Work. Suggest Suitable Treatment?
Please explain what might be the reason and suggest suitable treatment for this.
Can be due to many causes.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for trusting us with your health concern.
In my opinion the causes of your symptoms can be multiple in following hierarchy :
• Anxiety disorder: specially if it is associated with excessive worry, restlessness, dry mouth, tremors and sleep difficulty.
• Cardiac illness: needs electrocardiogram (ECG) and 2D-Echo to confirm.
• Thyroid related problem: get thyroid hormonal assay done as it is a common problem in your age group and can lead to above symptoms.
• Vitamin deficiency: Get serum B12 level. Start multi vitamins as they are easily available.
• Excessive intake of caffeine, tobacco and alcohol can cause palpitations. Restrict their use as much as possible.
Avoid stress and anxiety. Practice yoga, deep breathing exercises and relaxation exercises.
You need to rule out all these causes with the help of simple blood tests under the guidance of your physician.
Please feel free to discuss further. I will be glad to answer the follow up queries that you have.
Wishing you good health.
Dr. Rakhi Tayal.