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Article Home Diet and Fitness Diet for high cholesterol

Diet for high cholesterol

Hyper cholesterolemia in the blood is a risk factor for future heart disease and the vascular disease too. One who has increased cholesterol in blood had increased chances of developing of Diabetes and the Metabolic syndrome. There are certain precautions to be followed as part of their diet.

High cholesterol is medical condition in which there will be increased cholesterol levels in the blood. These cholesterol forms plaques in the arteries and block them leading to various medical conditions. One of the most common effect of high cholesterol is heart diseases which results due to blockage of the arteries of the heart.

Apart from taking medications for high chlesterol you need to have a diet which is low in saturated fat, high in fiber content.


Diet for high cholesterol


Foods to avoid:

  • Avoid fatty foods like milk products like ghee, butter, cheese,paneer.
  • Avoid oily foods like deep fried foods.
  • Avoid bakery products like puffs.
  • Avoid fast foods like pizzas, burgers.
  • Avoid desserts like pastires, ice creams and sweets.
  • Avoid use of ghee, vanaspathi.

Foods to take:

  • Include lot of vegetables, greens and fresh fruits which is rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Include foods which have whole grains like brown breads, chappathis.
  • Take more of fruit juices.
  • If you are non vegetarian you can have lean meats like chicken, fish. Avoid mutton, kheema, pork.