Dr. P.V Pradeep , M.S, M.Ch, D.N.B., M.R.C.S., M.CH
Kozhikode, Kerala, India   View Clinic 

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Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Travancore Cochin medical council
Years of experience
Patients seen per week
Specific Skills and Interests
Thryoid, Parathyroid and adrenals 
Clinic Detail 1
Baby Memorial Hospital,
Kozhikode, Kerala, India View Clinic  
9.30 AM - 4 PM

Education Details
Degree earned
M.S, M.Ch, D.N.B. 
Name of the university
Medical College Calicut 
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
Royal College Edinburgh 
Fellowship / Specialty Training
Year of fellowship
Degree earned
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lucknow 

Other Details
1.Gold Medal award for the best paper published from Narayana Medical Institutions 2012
2.Travel award Indian Council of Medical Research 2011 (ICMR); Govt of India, to attend and present paper at the 81st Annual conference of the American Thyroid Association 2011, at Indian Wells, California
3.ISS_SIC Travel Award 2009 by the International Surgical Society, Switzerland To attend & present paper at the 43rd World Congress of Surgery of the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SURGERY ISS/SIC Adelaide, Australia, Sept 6-10, 2009
4.Best Senior Resident Award 2007, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
5.Partial travel grant of the Dept of Science & Technology; Govt of India for attending the 42nd annual conference of the ISS, at Montreal Canada, 25th Aug to 31st Aug 2007
6.Partial Travel grant Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), Govt of India 2007 to attend the ISS/ ISW surgical week 2007
7.International Association of Endocrine Surgeons (IAES), USA travel grant 2007 to attend the 42nd annual conference of the ISS, at Montreal Canada, 25th Aug to 31st Aug 2007
Member American Thyroid Association, Member British Association of Endocrine and Thyroid surgeons, Member of International Surgical Society; Member, International Association of Endocrine Surgeons; Member Association of Surgeons of India, Member Indian Association of Endocrine Surgeons,
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Endocrine Surgery, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, India 
Other professional achievements
1)Dorairajan N, Pradeep PV: Vignette Thyroid Surgery: A glimpse into the past. International Surgery 2012
2)Pradeep PV, Jayasree B. Thyroglossal cyst in pediatric population: Apparent differences from adult thyroglossal cyst. Ann Saudi Medicine. Manuscript no: ASM-2012-0125 (In Press)
3)Pradeep PV, Vissa S. Follicular neoplasm involving one lobe of thyroid: is hemithyroidectomy the adequate initial procedure? Ir J Med Sci. 2012 Apr 11
4)Pradeep PV, Jayashree B, Skandha S Harshita.A closer look at laryngeal nerves during thyroid surgery: A descriptive study of 584 nerves. Anatomy Research International {Manuscript ID: 490390-2012 In Press}
5)Pradeep PV, Jayasree B, Ramalingam K. Post total thyroidectomy hypocalcemia in benign goiters: A novel multifactorial scoring system to enable its prediction to facilitate early discharge. JPGM 2012 (In Press)

6)Pradeep PV, Ramalingam K. Familial isolated hyperparathyroidism: Role of Intraoperative PTH assay. Indian J Surgery 2011. Manuscript ID: IJOS-D-10-00418. (Online 1st 12/03/12; http://www.springerlink.com/content/0972-2068/?Content+Status=Accepted&sort=p_OnlineDate&sortorder=desc&o=70)
7)Pradeep PV, Matta R. An Unusual Dermoid Cyst of the Neck presenting as Mass in the Lateral Neck. World J Endocr Surg 2012;4(1):26-28
8)Hegde KV, Suneetha P, Pradeep PV, Kumar P. Asymptomatic Thymic Cyst Appearing in the Neck on Valsalva: Unusual Presentation of a Rare Disease. J Clin Imaging Sci 2012;2:11
9)Pradeep PV, Vydehi B. Local recurrence as a first sign of parathyroid malignancy! Need to redefine the criteria for diagnosis of parathyroid carcinoma. Indian J Endocrinol & Metab 2012. (Manuscript ID: IJEM 85-12 In Press)
10)Ragavan M, Renu Kumar T, Pradeep PV, Sattar A. ‘Umbrella sign’ in computerized tomogram to differentiate giant greater omental cyst from ascites. Tropical Gastroenterology October - December, 2013 Volume 34, Issue 4
11)Pradeep PV. State of the art: Surgery for endemic goiter. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2012 Mar;397(3):491-2
12)Pradeep PV, Jayasree B. Post total thyroidectomy hypocalcemia a multifactorial approach to enable its prediction to enable early discharge. Thyroid 2011;21(S1) A72. (abstract)
13)Pradeep PV, Jayashree B, Renu Kumar T. Reversal of cardiomegaly and cardiac function in Hyperthyroidism. World J Endocr Surg 2011;3(2):101
14)Pradeep PV, Vijayabhasker G. Surveillance and Intervention after thyroid lobectomy. Ann Surg Oncol. 2011 Dec;18 Suppl 3:S308
15)Pradeep PV, Ajith K Benede, Jayashree B, Skandha SH. Harlequin syndrome in a Toxic Goiter: A rare association. Case Report Med 2011;2011:293076. Epub 2011 Jul12
16)Pradeep PV, Jayashree B, Mishra A, Mishra SK. Systematic review of primary hyperparathyroidism in India: the past, present and future trends. Int J Endocrinology 2011;2011:921814: Epub 2011 May 26 doi:10.1155/2011/921814
17)Pradeep PV, Jayashree B. Ectopic thyroid with Hashimotos thyroiditis presenting with goitrous hypothyroidism: Case Report. Eur J Pediatr Surg. 2011 May 3; PMID:21544779
18)P.V. Pradeep, M. Ragavan, Jayashree B, Skanda H Harshita, Ramakrishna BA. Surgery in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: indications, complications and associated cancers - our experience (Original article) JPGM 2011;57(2):120-22
19)Pradeep PV, Jayashree B. Soap bubble type of calcification in Thyroid: Radiological surprise. Otolaryngol-Head & Neck Surg 2011;144(4):642-43
20)Ragavan M, Haripriya U, Pradeep PV, Sarvavinothini J. Prune belly syndrome with pouch colon a rare association- Case Report and review of literature. Pediatric Health, Medicine and Therapeutics Journal 2011;2:1-4
21)Pradeep PV, Sattar V, Krishnachaithanya V, Ragavan M. Huge Thyromegaly: Challenges in the management. ANZ J Surg. 2011 May;81(5):398-400
22) Kumar T.R., Pradeep PV., Ragavan M. Bilobar Thyroid Agenesis presenting with Adenomatous Isthmus and Hypothyroidism in a 13 year old girl: A Case report. Journal of Pediatric Sciences. 2010;2(2):e21
23)P.V. Pradeep, M. Ragavan, T. Renu Kumar, B.A. Ramakrishna. Diffuse lipomatosis of thyroid with hyperthyroidism: A rare association. J Postgrad Med. 2010 Jan-Mar;56(1):35-6
24)P.V. Pradeep, G.V. Chanukya, M. Ragavan, T. Renu Kumar, B.A. Ramakrishna. Surgery in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: indications, complications and associated cancers - our experience World J Surg (2009) 33:S227
25)Pradeep PV, Kuldeep S. Central Lymph Node Metastasis: Is It a Reliable Indicator of Node Involvement in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma? World J Surg. 2010;34(9):2251
26)Pradeep PV, Tiwari P, Mishra A, Agarwal G, Agarwal A, Verma AK, Mishra SK. Pulmonary function profile in patients with benign goiters without symptoms of respiratory compromise and the early effect of thyroidectomy. J Postgrad Med. 2008 Apr-Jun;54(2):98-101.
27)Pradeep PV, Mishra A, Agarwal G, Agarwal A, Verma AK, Mishra SK. Long-term outcome after parathyroidectomy in patients with advanced primary hyperparathyroidism and associated vitamin D deficiency. World J Surg. 2008 May;32(5):829-35.
28)Pradeep PV, Agarwal A, Jain M, Gupta SK. Myasthenia gravis and autonomously functioning thyroid nodule - a rare association. Indian J Med Sci. 2007 Jun;61(6):357-9.
29)Pradeep PV, Agarwal A, Baxi M, Agarwal G, Mishra SK, Gupta SK. Safety and efficacy of Surgical Management of Hyperthyroidism: 15 yr experience from a tertiary care center in a developing country. World J Surg. 2007 Feb;31(2):306-12; discussion 313.
30)Pradeep PV, Mishra A K, Agarwal V , Bhargav PRK , Gupta SK , Agarwal A. Adrenal cysts: an institutional experience: World J Surgery 2006, Vol 30 No: 10; 1817-1820
31)Agarwal V, Agarwal A, AK Verma, Bhargava PRK, PV Pradeep Pheochromocytoma, stroke and myocardial infarction in a 43 year male with good functional recovery; a rare clinical sequele. Indian J Urol. June 2006;22:156-158.
32)Pradeep PV, Sashidharan PK, Akbar MA Cushings syndrome due to a pancreatic islet cell tumour. J Assoc Physicians India1996 Nov;44(11):840.
33)Agarwal G, Pradeep PV, Aggarwal V, Yip CH, Cheung PS. Spectrum of breast cancer in asian women. World J Surg. 2007 May;31(5):1031-40.
34)Arshad F , Pradeep PV, Mishra A, Agarwal G, Mishra SK. We read with interest the article by Brauckhoff et al., in the December 2004 issue of the World Journal of Surgery. World J Surg. 2005 Dec;29(12):1693; author reply 1694.
35) PV Pradeep, Mishra A, Mishra SK. Re: "Islet hyperplasia in adults: challenge to preoperatively diagnose non-insulinoma pancreatogenic hypoglycemia syndrome". World J Surg. 2007 Feb;31(2):442-3; author reply 444-5
36)Bhargav PRK, Pradeep PV, Agarwal V, Verma AK, Mishra A, Agarwal A, Mishra SK. The value of clinical characteristics and breast imaging studies in predicting a histopathologic diagnosis of cancer or high-risk lesion in patients with spontaneous nipple discharge. Am J Surg. 2007 Jan;193(1):141-2
37)Pradeep PV , Agarwal V , Bhargav PRK , Mishra A . “Short stay thyroid surgery” Br J Surg 2005; 92:58-59. Correspondence
38) Bhargav PRK, Pradeep PV, Mishra A. Clinical and biological features in the prognosis of Adrenocortical Cancer: Poor outcome of cortisol secreting tumors in a series of 202 consecutive patients. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2006; 91: 2650-2655. Correspondence. http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/eletters/91/7/2650
39)P.V. Pradeep, Mishra SK, Vaidyanathan S, Nair CG, Ramalingam K, Basnet R. Telementoring in Endocrine Surgery: Preliminary Indian Experience. Telemedicine and e-Health Feb 2006;12 (1) 73-77
40)Pradeep PV, Mishra A, Mohanty BN, Mahapatra KC, Agarwal G, Mishra SK. Reinforcement of Endocrine Surgery Training: Impact of Telemedicine Technology in a Developing Country Context. World J Surg. 2007 31(8) 1665-1671
41)Kapoor L, Basnet R, Pradeep PV, Mishra A, Mishra SK. Integrating telemedicine in surgical applications. CSI communications 2007; 30 (11):17-20
42) Pradeep PV, Mishra A, Kapoor L, Daman R, Mishra SK. Applications of Tele-Health technology in Endocrine Surgery: Indian Experience. Proceedings of the Third IASTED International Conference, May31-June 1st, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. ISBN 978-0-88986-667-6. http://www.actapress.com/PaperInfo.aspx?PaperID=30771
43)Pradeep PV, Anjali Mishra, Lily Kapoor, Rajesh Basnet, Gaurav Agarwal, Amit Agarwal, AK Verma, SK Mishra. Surgical sub-specialty growth in Developing country: Impact of Telemedicine technology; A Case study with Endocrine Surgery. Proceedings of 2006, 8th International conference on e-health networking,      Application and Services. Healthcom2006 (ISBN:1- 4244-9704-5 pp 34-39      ©2006IEEE)
44)PV Pradeep, SK Mishra. Current concepts in the management of Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Annals of Endocrine Surgery 2006, 9(1): 14-17
45)PV Pradeep, SK Mishra. Preoperative preparation and surgical techniques in adrenal diseases. Annals of Endocrine Surgery 2006, 9(1): 34-38
46)R Riju, PV Pradeep, G Unnikrishnan, C G Nair. Follicular Carcinoma thyroid with macroangioinvasion – A case report. Thyroid care and Research,2(2) May 2005
47)PV Pradeep, P Jacob, RC George, S Vaidyanathan, A Nambiar, AV Susheelan: Concurrent medullary and papillary carcinoma of thyroid: A rare combination.Thyroid Research and Practice 2006 Vol 3, No:1, 20-23

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Written by : Maneet.guptaMon, 22 Apr 2013
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