Name of the university
NTR University Of Hyderabad
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences
Fellowship / Specialty Training
Family Medicine
Best Employee of the year 2008-MaxNeemans International Ltd, India
Mother India Award for Health Excellence 2010
YOU SHINE,EXTRA MILLER Awards from Makrocare Clinical Research 2010-2012
Nominated for Pharma Times Clinical Researcher of the Year Competition Research Site Category -2011
Nominated for Clinical trials Honors award 2011,2012
Nominated for Clinical trial Innovation- 2nd Annual Partnerships in Clinical Trials Awards Ceremony, USA -2012
Finalist for Clinical Research “Best Team of the year-2012” MCSMO-SCRIP AWARD ,London, UK
100 Most Inspiring People in the Life-Sciences Industry in 2012-Pharma Voice Magazine
Nominated for MANTHAN AWARD 2012 e-Health category, India
Shortlisted for i-volunteer Award -2012
Nominated for Pharma Times Clinical Researcher of the Year Competition Research Site Category -2011
Director AHRQ PBRN Resource Network
Fellow Clinical Research Professional
Scientific Advisory Board Member – CAMRI,PSOLATE etc
Editorial member(Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors, IST Journal, Webmed Central, JISM, ACCP, ISPOR etc)
Key Opinion Leader-Biowebspin
Contested forMember CCIM Election-2011
NCI registered Investigator, NIH, USA
"Volunteer Hero" - iVolunteer Awards Feb 2013: In recognition for the voluntary works with SAMSKARA,SOPE,AHA and Various National and International Non-profit Organizations ,volunteering in programs like free health camps for low socioeconomic groups, Commercialization of innovations and ideas of Bio- Entrepreneurs .
Medical Societies
1. ACP American College of Physicians
2. AHA American Heart Association
3. ASCO American Society of Clinical Oncologist
4. ISPOR International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research
5. SMR Society for Medical Research
6. Health Advisory Board member
7. WMA World Medical Association
8. ACCP American College of Clinical Pharmacology
9. APAME Asian Pacific Association for Medical Journal Edition.
10. APA Ayurvedic Practitioner Association, London.
11. AAAAI American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
12. The Obesity Association.
13. Alzheimer’s Association
14. AHMA American Holistic Medical Association.
15. BHMA British Holistic Medical Association.
16. ADMA Ayurvedic Drug Manufacture Association.
17. ARHP Association of Reproductive Health Professionals.
18. ASCPT American Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
19. IHHS International Hyperhydrosis Society.
20. ACS American Cancer Society.
21. AHS American Heart Association
22. IAS International Aids Society.
23. CMA Complimentary Medical Association
24. DMAI Disease Management Association of India
25. AAP American Academy of Pediatrics.
26. Epilepsy Foundation
27. ASN American Society for Nutrition
28. ABMS American Board of Medical Specialties
29. SMR-Society for Medical Research
30. American Society of Pharmacognosy
31. Podiatric Society
32. FOGSI- Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India
33. on-line services of the Royal College of General Practitioners
34. NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines)
35. The Movement Disorder Society (MDS)
36. Member IASTAM
37. American Academy of Family Physicians
38. Association of Surgeons of India
39. International Oncology Society
40. The Anatomical Society, UK
41. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
42. American College of Clinical Anatomists
43. American College of Emergency Physicians
44. Indian Society of Gastroenterology
45. National Psoriasis Foundation
46. British Holistic Medical Association
47. American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology
48. Professional member Indian Forensic Services
49. Member of IUHPE, France
Other professional achievements
“Neuroanatomical Evaluation of Manovaha Srotas “-International Journal of Ayurveda Research, 2005 :Thesis work
Building & Marketing Clinical Research Site - WebmedCentral CLINICAL TRIALS 2013;4(3):WMC00411
Hepato Cellular Carcinoma - WebmedCentral CLINICAL TRIALS 2013 ;4(3): WMC004083
Carcinoid Syndrome - WebmedCentral CLINICAL TRIALS2013;4(3):WMC004047
Hemophilia & Acquired Hemophilia A - WebmedCentral CLINICALTRIALS 2013;4(3):WMC004048
A Single Centre, Prospective, Open labeled Study to Evaluate Safety & Efficacy of NHPL/OZ-01 an Ayurvedic Formulation in patients with Musculoskeletal Pains –CTRI
Patient Recruitment in Clinical Trials – The Role of IRB pharmaceuticalintelligence
Coming of Age: India Grows in Stature -August 2012 to September 2012-Pharma voice Magazine
Building A Collaborative Culture Zintro Blog 2012
Clinical Trial Regulation in India”Recent Updates”- Global Healthtrials-2013 :
A Report on Tropical Diseases :
Patient Recruitment in Asia A Nascent Industry :
Social Media in Patient Recruitment:
Clinical Trial Regulation in India: Recent Updates :
Bringing Patient recruitment and retention; A revolution to Clinical trials – eBook: Researchgate:
More than 20 White Papers & Articles and Book on Patient Recruitment and Retention Clinical Trials for Makrocare Clinical Research Ltd, Hyderabad, India
Paper Presentation National Seminar-Psychiatry Ayurveda, Kotakkal, India, 2005
Paper Presentation-International Ayurvedic Seminar held at Imperial College, London, 2007
Paper Presentation IMACON 2010 Jaipur, India
Paper Presentation International Congress on Patient Safety - Best Practices For Asia 2011, Hyderabad, India
Author “Fundamentals of International Regulatory affairs- Natural Products”-RAPS -2012
CII Partnership Summit-2012, Hyderabad, India
Participated in BioAsia Conference-2012 Hyderabad, India
Healthcare-IT Summit 2013, Hyderabad, India
Differences in ICH GCP,Indian GCP,Schedule Y CME-ROTP ON RESEARCH METHODOLOGY For, AYUSH Teachers February 14, 2013
Participated as delegate in more than 50 CME’s conducted by Pharma/Hospitals updates in Clinical Practice.