26 Years Old, Had Polio, One Leg Is Thinner Than The Other, Can Walk And Run. Can Surgery Cure This?
Thanks for the query.
I understand your concern. I could have helped you better if you had mailed me the picture of the right leg. There is an option to upload your pictures or reports here.
Polio is a disease that makes the affected limb weaker than the other because of reduced nerve supply to the affected limb.
The surgical correction of the limb is done in the following setting
1. Stabilization of joint- knee, hip, foot.
2. Arthrodesis- artificially fusing to joints to help in better mobility
3. Limb lengthening using the ilizarow technique
4. Joint replacement surgery
Each surgery has to be customized to suit your needs. A detailed examination to analyze your limb, locate areas where the mobility is restricted or hyper mobile can help in planning a proper surgery if needed. Post surgery you will be in a position to use your limb in a much better way than now.
It is best to approach an orthopedic set up which has doctors who specialize in limb lengthening, joint replacement and also arthrodesis. Post surgical physiotherapy also is a must.
I hope I have answered to your query, if there are no follow up queries please accept my answer
I wish you all the best