Absence Of Menstrual Cycle. Positive Pregnancy Test. What Medicine Can Be Taken For Abortion?
Thanks for your query.
Medical abortion can be done only after checking and confirming the location of pregnancy. In certain situations like ectopic pregnancy, it will be life threatening to take medication for abortion.
Hence my advice is as follos:
1) Get a blood test called "serum beta hCG" which confirms pregnancy accurately. Urine pregnancy test may be showing false positive result as you are sure you did not have sex. Hence my advice would be to confirm pregnancy first by beta hCG.
2) If beta hCG levels are positive, then you get a transvaginal ultrasound to locate the pregnancy. If it is in uterus then you can request your gynecologist to give you prescription for medical abortion as these medicines cannot be taken without prwscription from a qualified doctor.
I hope I answered your query. I will be available for any followup queries you have.
Dr.Mahesh Koregol