Acute Pain In Hip & Back, ESR Done. Suggestion?
Thanks for the query
Let me clear it out to you that esr is a non specific blood test which will come positive right from infections like malaria and tuberculosis to cancer. It does not tell anything about a particular disease. A positive ESR ( erythrocyte sedimentation rate ) only tells us that you are currently suffering from an inflammatory reaction
If you want me to co relate your joint pain to esr then it could be an infection of the hip joint which is causing your current pain.
I would recommend you to XXXXXXX an orthopedician and get tests done more specific to the joint pain like x XXXXXXX or MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging ) of the joint along with blood tests like RA factor and CRP ( C reactive protein ) which are blood tests a little more specific to your joint problem
In the mean time please do the following
Avoid brisk movement of the joint
Apply warmth with a hot water bag to the joint
You could try local diclofenac gel to the joint and oral tablets like aceclofenac to relieve you of the pain temporarily
Avoid climbing stairs
If there is anything else you would like to know please reply to me, I will be happy to help
Have a speedy recovery