After How Many Days Can A Newborn Baby Travel By Flight? What Precautions To Take?
Thanks for using the XXXXXXX I am happy to address your questions, a newborn can fly at a week old if it's absolutely necessary, but it's better to wait until he's at least 4 to 6 weeks if you possibly can. As you mentioned he is born by caesarean section, you need to wait 10 days before you take to the skies. It's usually easier to wait a few weeks before flying, to give you both time to settle into life together. The worry is all of the recycled air on the plane. Babies are so vulnerable to germs during their first month, they're bound to pick up some stray bug if they're cooped up with dozens of strangers breathing recycled air. Also, make sure he is nursed or have a pacifier for the climb and descent of the flight. They do not know how to equalize their ears and the pressurization changes can be very painful if you don't help them by having them suck. Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help. Thanks