Any Treatment For High Level Of Creatine?
Thank you for the query.
High level of creataine is caused by kidneys disease. If such disease is acute, than this is reversible. If there is severe kidneys dysfunction, the only way to get better blood filtration and decrease creatine level is kidney transplant.
Acute kidney failure in most cases is caused by insufficient blood flow throughout the kidneys. It happens when there is decreased liquid consumption or increased liquid excretion (diarhohea, vomiting, low water intake etc.). Another reasons of acute kidney failure are: heart failure, poisoning by medicines, urether stones, kidney infections and many more.
When you eliminate a cause of acute renal failure, the function of kidney usually comes back.
If it is about severe creatine high level, it is very important to find the reason of such failure. I will not mention any of them as it is a lot of reasons.
So in conclusion, depending of the type of renal failure, you should visit your doctor and have diagnosis of such state.
Hope this will help. Feel free to ask further question.