Are Melgain And Mometasone Cream Effective In Treating Vitiligo Vulgaris?
Yes they can be effective.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HealthCare Magic. Thank you for posting your query.
I can understand your concern.
Treatment of vitiligo depends on the
- extent of the disease (number of patches)
- body areas involved ( hands, feet, chest,etcetra)
- whether it is actively spreading or it has remained the same way in the last 1 year.
Melgain contains fibroblast growth factor which favours repigmentation.
Mometasone is a topical steroid.
Both these are commonly used for vitiligo. These may be effective to a limited extent.
Do not worry.
There are loads of other modes of treatment like
- light therapy (uses light to repigment skin)
- PUVA A light therapy (Uses UVA light and a medicine called psoralen to restore skin color)
Keep in touch with your dermatologist . He/she can examine you and guide you on the further management.
Hope this helps.
Write back to us.