Blocked Ear, Mild Ear Ache. Suffered From Typhoid, Neck Muscle Spasm. Is Typhoid The Reason For Blocked Ear?
Thanks for writing to H.C.M. for your query.
I have gone through your query regarding ear ache along with cold and there is confussion weather your ear is having infection or not. Here I would like to tell you that some time pain is felt in healthy ear and in reality the disease remaines in some other part, this particular condition is labelled as Referred otalgia.Most common diseases giving rise to referred pain are-
(a) Carious tooth- Some times dental carries in last molars give rise to pain in ear of same side.
(b) Posterior part of tongue- More often ulcers in posterior third of tongue give rise to referred pain in ear of same side.
(c) Tonsils- Many times it has been seen that ulcers on tonsils and even acute fillicular tonsillitis give rise to pain in ear.
(d) Ehstachian tube infection- This is a tube connecting throat to middle ear, and in sore throat most of the time it gets infected and swollen and blocked than after patient feels heaviness in ear along with pain. Your case comes in this catagery.
(f) Jaw joint- Arthritis of jaw joint is well known for giving pain to same side of ear.
Keeping these facts in mind opinion of your ENT doctor appears to be correct, but if even you have any doubt than you may go for two basic investigations to clarify the doubts. these are-
(1) Audiometery.
(2) M.R.I.of ear.
In this way you may reach to correct diagnosis which may be accordingly plan for treatment.
Welcome again in H.C.M.for your doubts.
Since you are having cold with pain in ear so chances of eustachian tube obstruction is most likely, Therefore you may take-
(a) Antibiotic- Amoxicillin (625 mg) three times in a day.
(b) Analgesic- Paracetamol (500 mg) twice daily.
(c) Steam inhalation.
Your next query about M.R.I. ear, Here in diseased ear you will find thickening of mucus membrain of middle ear with claudiness of mastoid air cells.
If by above treatment you don't get relief than please consult ent doctor because in all above listed causes of referred pain in ear except tooth all are treated by ENT doctor.
Thanks for recalling.
If you are suspecting any lymph node as tubercular than you may clear your doubt by FNAC test of lymph nodes. This is a very simple investigation and will clear the matter.