Blood In Stools, Black Specks In Stool, Anal Itching, Cramps.
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Your symptoms most likely resemble that of hemorrhoids which is usually a common problem caused by constipation and straining however rarely may indicate underlying bowel pathology either inflammatory or malignancy.
The hemorrhoids are congestion and dilatation of blood vessels normally present around anal opening.They may usually cause painless splash of blood , or sometimes painful passage of stools, anal fullness, itching etc.The black specks could be due to clotted blood from anorectal region..This is different from black tarry stools which usually signify upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
As of now you need to prevent constipation and straining by dietary modifications (high fibre, increased fluid intake) and symptomatic teeatment if bleeding occurs.
Warm sitz bath and topical antihemorrhoidal creams might be soothing.
If the problem persists then please consult a general surgeon for apropriate further management and ruling out any underlying pathology.