Burnt Skin During Physiotherapy, Numbness In Area. Ultrasound Showed Tissue Tear. Want Recommendation For Hard Skin Treatment
Now the layer of burnout skin has been removed by the surgeon. fluid has been dried out. But there is some portion of burnt skin, which has become hard. Dr. recommended to use T-BACT antibacterial cream with coconut oil on that portion.
On the left portion where there is no sense an ULTRASOUND was done and it was revealed that there is approx. 10 cm.( length wise) tear of tissues on that particular side. Dr. Advised that the repairing of tissue is a natural process and no special treatment is required in this part.
Whereas for the harder portion of the burnout skin, he recommended two options: Either to remove the complete hard portion by surgery or to be recovered it by natural process.
I wanted your recommendation in this regard. What are the possibilities of skin infection, if I delayed it. Further, while moving there is minor bleeding from the side layer of burn skin. I will be happy if you could suggest in this regard,,,,,
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It is unfortunate that after the trauma you had to suffer burns by a therapy,i am sorry to hear that and can understand the pain you have been suffering due to that. XXXXXXX what I will suggest you to do is that you wait for natural healing process of the tissues.Once the underneath tissues ie.muscles etc has healed and the burn scarring if there remains, the scarring can be treated by scar revision surgery after scar is mature around 6 to 9 months later or with laser .If we try to intervene to surgically repair the torn muscles under neath the burn then there are chances of tissue getting infected as muscle tear would be surrounded by hematoma or clotted blood.surgically revising the burn at this stage should be avoided in my opinion.There are no chances of infection if you delay the scar revision till it heals and matures.If there is minimal bleeding then avoid any physical activity and avoid anything causing friction or rubbing against the burn wound.
I'll advise you to take bed rest, anti inflammatory and analgesic tablets as must have been prescribed by your surgeon and apply the given ointment on the burn wound.
It should heal in a couple of weeks.
I hope I have answered all your queries.If you have any more doubts feel free to post again.If all your questions are answered kindly accept my answer.
God bless
Dr Mayank Singh