Can Bullnox Be Taken After Coronary Stenting?
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Welcome and thanks for your query.
You had a stent placed in the proximal segment of Ramus Intermedius artery. What was the indication? Was it only a chest pain on exertion or did you suffer a heart attack? What are the medicines you are on now?
Please upload your medical report , coronary angiogram and any post stenting EKG you might have.
Depending on the indication for the stent, your doctor would have advised you the period of rest. It is better for you to follow your doctor's instructions and follow a cardiac rehabilitation program if he has suggested one.
Returning to work out has to be gradual and starting with isotonic cardiac work outs and depending on your tolerance go for isometric exercise like weight lifting at a later stage.
The product like Bull Nox contain herbs which increase your testesterone levels which increases your risk for heart disease and also agents which increase the metabolism of the heart. They are better avoided till your doctor has reassessed your progress and gives you clearance to use them.
Best wishes,
Agree .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the feedback.
Happy to note that you had the intervention and stenting done in time. Agree with your plan of action.
Do get back to me if you have any further query.
Have a good weekend and good health.
Dr Noble Zachariah