Can Clarithromycin Help In Treating Urinary Tract Infection Or Bladder Infection ?
Thanks for the query
First and foremost, your symptoms do not seem to be due to Urinary infection. It more likely appears to be due to detrusor overactivity syndrome.
Detrusor instability is characterised by uncontrolled contraction of the bladder wall (detrusor muscle), producing urgency, often with frequency and nocturia, and sometimes leakage (urge incontinence).
This condition needs treatment with anticholinergic medications (Eg Detrol), which need a prescription by a doctor.
In addition, Clarithromycin is not the antibiotic, indicated for urinary infections, hence use of this medication will not be useful in your condition.
The best course of action, would be to consult your primary care doctor who can do a urinalysis as well as urodynamic studies of the bladder to confirm the diagnosis and initiate the appropriate therapy.
I hope this helps.
I shall be available for any follow up questions that you might be having.