Can HIV Be Contracted Through Oral Sex?
The risk of getting HIV infection from oral sex is very low so be relaxed.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Welcome to HCM.
First of all, no need to be so anxious as you had done protected intercourse both the times and the risk of getting HIV infection from oral sex is very low as compared to vaginal or anal sex.
You did rapid HIV test which came negative. Although, it is an antibody detection test and is conclusive after 3 months as you had read, you need not to worry as the risk is very less in your case.
Lastly, I will advice you to go for repeat testing after one month post exposure both with antibody and antigen detection tests to be completely sure about your status. Be relaxed, don't be so panic and move ahead in life.
The symptoms that you have are mostly due to some other infection for which you can consult your local physician and take some treatment.
Thank You
Will rapid Hiv always show negative when tested within a week?
I visited a doctor and he asked me to do DNA PCR test. I will get the report after 2 days. I read online there are many incidences where DNA tests have shown wrong positive. How Reliable is this test?
Moreover, what are chances of contacting virus from saliva while oral sex if the contact has been for less than 30 secs? Also, are there chances to contact the Virus while taking off the condom since the female genital fluids on the outer surface of condom may come may touch the penis?
HIV DNA PCR is very reliable test and rapid HIV is also not negative always
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
It is not like that rapid HIV is always show negative result when tested within a week. As far as HIV DNA PCR is concerned it is very reliable test after 2 weeks of exposure and chances of false positive results are also less.
The chances of contacting virus from saliva while doing oral sex are very less as compared to vaginal or anal sex. Also the chances to contact the virus while taking off the condom are very remote so no need to worry much.
Thank You
As such pain under jaw line while chewing is not a symptom of HIV.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
Slight pain under the jaw line while chewing is not a symptom of HIV, it might be due to some other reason so you need not to worry much.
Thank You
Yes pain below the jaw line while chewing can happen due to other reasons.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
It is very true that pain below the jaw line while chewing can happen due to some other reasons so you need not to worry as your chances of being positive are very less. Be relaxed and move ahead in life happily.
Thank You
Please explain to clear my fear
Is there any phone number I can call and talk to you about it? Thank you
Just to add, the pain occurring while chewing and opening month is around jaw bone joint below the ear. Is this the place where parotid lymph is located?
Parotitis can happen due to other viral or bacterial infection.
Detailed Answer:
Dear Nhoj,
You have rightly said that parotid gland is situated below the jaw line and the pain might be due to parotid gland infection or parotitis. It can occur due to other viral or bacterial infection.
Thank You
In my case I just get pain while moving the jaw and I don't think I have visible swelling. Also, I gong think I have fever.
Can you please explain more on this instead of giving one line replies, to remove my anxiety?
Pain with or without fever is due to other viral or bacterial infection.
Detailed Answer:
Dear XXXX,
As you had read that HIV infection is associated with swelling of lymph nodes and it affects multiple ones accompanied by fever is right.
You had just pain while moving the jaw which may be due to other viral or bacterial infection as pain and swelling with or without fever is peculiar feature of any infection. To remove your anxiety you can contact your local physician and go for some investigations to isolate the cause.
Thank You