Can I Be Recompensed For Post Surgical Complications?
Thanks for posting your query.
I can understand your concern for this complication of infections after the arthroscopic surgery which required surgical procedures to clean up the infection.
Sepsis of the knee joint after arthroscopy has been reported to occur as a complication of knee arthroscopic surgery and prophylactic preoperative intravenous antibiotics routinely were used for arthroscopy of the knee but recent series of patients not receiving antibiotics suggests that they may not be indicated for routine use.
This is a very debatable topic as some surgeons prefer to use antibiotics preoperatively while others do not. Study has shown that there does not appear to be any evidence in the literature that antibiotic prophylaxis for routine arthroscopic surgical procedures results in a lower infection rate.
Moreover prior usage of antibiotics before surgery can lead to allergic reactions, antibiotic-induced diarrhea and possible infection with Clostridium difficile as a result of prophylactic antibiotic usage.
However after surgery, pain killers, medication such as aspirin to lessen the risk of blood clots and antibiotics are routinely prescribed to prevent any infection. Infection can occur as a result of many things; opportunistic microorganisms on the skin, compromised sterility of instruments, poor surgical technique and pre-disposing patient health concerns that raise risks such as diabetes, poor circulation and chronic smoking.
Other than sterility of instruments and poor surgical technique, rest are not iatrogenic (surgeon induced) and can happen to any post operative case.
You can take a second opinion from another orthopedic surgeon and get his opinion regarding the same.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
Wishing you good health.