Can A Kiss And Lick On Penis Trasmit HIV Infection ?
Thanks for your query.
It is nice to see that you are taking consultation early to avert health risk.
Important aspects of your query are:
• Age 27 years
• History of licking of penis 1 week back followed by fear of HIV.
First and foremost, you need to know that sex with every person does not cause HIV infection even in case of sex workers, she has to be infected before she can pass it on to you.
Even in case a person has sex with an infected person, the chances of contracting the infection would be 0.04% per act (Female-to-male transmission) . Although data for oral sex is not available but we can assume transmission risk lower for oral sex (less than 0.04% per act). In your case HIV status of girl is not known and if she is HIV negative than there is no risk at all.
Hence I would tell first for not worry much about the possibility of infection. In case you are still anxious and want to be double sure about your status, you can go ahead and get tested.
The earliest test - that can be taken to detect HIV infection is the PCR proviral DNA test. This test can detect the HIV DNA within 15-21 days of the infection. I would recommend you to do the test after 3 weeks post exposure, to avoid retesting.
The other test is ELISA test for HIV antibodies which is able to detect HIV antibodies after 4 weeks of exposure. 90% of normal individuals, who have HIV exposure, will seroconvert within 4-6 weeks. The sensitivity of the ELISA test is 99.9%.
If a test once done after 12 weeks of exposure - is NEGATIVE, the chances of developing antibodies to HIV at a later date will be negligible. Hence there is no need to repeat the test again.
Before any test related to HIV it is must to take pre-test and post-test counselling. Ask for the laboratory regarding this before test so that your anxiety will reduce.
Final message to you: worry less, get test done if possible and avoid this kind of mistakes in future.
Hope this answers your query. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups.
Wishing you good health.
Its nice that you have negative test.
Now get HIV ELISA done after 6-8 week of exposure.
All the best,