Dear Dr, On 31Oct13 I was in Antwerp Belgium and visited the legal red light district there. I ended up with a CSW. She put on a condom on my penis the very first thing and gave me an oral erection with condom. Then with the same condom we had 5-10 min of protected sex. Before vaginal penetration she put on a lubricant on her vagina. After the even the condom was intact and she rolled it off my penis. I did not wash off my genital area immediately and just dressed up and left back for my hotel where I had a thorough bath. However, I noticed burning sensation in my inner thighs a couple of hours after taking the bath. My dermatologist said it was a fungal infection. Do you think I might have picked an STD? I am quite depressed at my actions and took a HIV 1 RNA RT-PCR quantitative test at 14 days after exposure which came stating target not detected (negative). On the 28th and 40th day I took the HIV 1/2 & P24 combo test done by CMIA method and the index value was 0.19 and 0.21 non reactive respectively for these tests. My doctor says that these tests are 4th gen and are conclusive and I need no further testing for HIV. I wanted to as your opinion whether these can be considered conclusive (CMIA) method at 28 and 40 days after exposure and do I need further testing? In between I had all urine analysis and culture tests done at 40 days and my sample was sterile. I also did the VDRL(RPR) test for syphillis at 40 days which was negative. To be on the safer side, I repeated the HIV 1/2 and P24 combo test done by CMIA method after 55 days (almost 8 weeks) and 65 days. The index value was 0.19, 0.28, respectively, hence negative. The RPR VDRL was also non reactive. I would like to ask your opinion on my situation and whether you think I need further HIV testing at 90 days. A lot of experts still maintain a 3 months conclusive result as standard for HIV testing.