Can Cocaine Be Ingested In Body Through Scalp From Human Hair Weave? Haw Can It Be Identified?
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I appreciate your efforts for medical consultation in so much distress.
Cocaine is fat soluble substance. If it remain in skin contact for long time like in human hair weave, then it can be absorbed through skin in body. Now few medicines are also coming in market as transdermal patch which absorb through skin (like estrogen transdermal patch) using the same mechanism.
Amount of absorption depend on following factors:
-Amount of cocaine present on scalp
-Duration of contact to skin
-Presence of inflammation (redness) of skin: it increase absorption.
Most of cocaine is metabolized by the liver with very little unaltered cocaine being released through the urine. Urine drug tests measure the existence of cocaine in the body by detecting cocaine metabolites (benzoyulecgonine and ecgonine methyl ester). The identification of these metabolites can be detected four hours after use and will continue to be detectable for eight to ten days.
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Thanks for follow up.
If you have exposed to cocaine for long duration then it will lead to failed hair drug test.
Wish you good health.