Can Discitis And Osteomyelitis Cause Severe Pain Despite Wearing A Back Brace?
Good progress, but pain takes time to resolve.
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Hi I am Dr Gopal Goel Orthopedic Surgeon.
You are on antibiotics only for about 10 days and your counts are normal- this is very good progress.
Now the question of pain- There are two reasons one is discitis and second is bone infection. Pain takes much longer time, 3-4 weeks to respond due to poor blood supply in discitis area particularly. So I would suggest rest for 3-4 weeks along with spinal muscles strengthening exercises. Movements are primarily dependent on the amount of pain - If pain is less then movements can be started accordingly.
If the pain persists ever after 3-4 weeks then you may have to think in terms of fusion of T12-L1 segment.
May be the destruction is more on right side affecting the nerves and adjoining area that is why probably there is more pain on right side on movement.
I hope to have answered your question. Please feel free to ask any other question
Yes the change in pulse and BP is due to stress.
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The changes in vital signs like blood pressure and pulse are due to stress of infection in your body. These will come back to normal once your healing is complete. Antibiotics generally don't cause any increase in blood pressure and pulse.
Yes if there is no pain .
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Riding a bike will be a good exercise. You can do it if there is no pain.
All the best