I suffered a severe dog bite to my hand. Deep puncture wound involved. Puncture wound was infected within 3 days even though I saw a doctor w/in 1 hr. of bite and was taking oral antibiotics. A sinus tract developed and burst on top of knuckle at pointing finger. An x-ray showed what one doctor thought was osteomyelitis; A CAT scan showed a well corticated erosion ; MRI showed who knows. 1 year later I am basically no better. From what I have researched, I believe I have developed chronic osteomyelitis and it is doing the now you see me, now you don t routine. Problem being is that I had no money or insurance for the med. care and the bite was received while working as a groomer. The dog owner paid for the 1st 3 doctor visits and the 2 scripts, but walked away when I was referred to an orthopedist. It was the ortho who pre-lim diagnosed septic arthritis and ordered the CAT scan. Due to the money issue, I had to retain an attorney so I could hopefully get med treatment. So, my appts. have been very wide spread and I have received no treatment. The orthopedist became a nightmare when he found out I had an attorney, did an about face and said my issues might not even be related to the dog bite. Based on these pre-lim things, do you have an opinion?