Can Levothyroxine And Diuretics Cause High Levels Of Triglycerides ?
From the minimal history provided, i assume that you have hypothyroidism and hypertension.
It would help, if the need for steroids - for you, could be known.
Usually diuretics and steroids can cause elevation of triglycerides.
But Levothyroxine is helpful to reduce cholesterol levels and does not increase triglyceride levels.
Steroids medications do affect the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein), HDL (high density lipoprotein) and total cholesterol values.
Steroid use results in reduction of HDL , while LDL and total cholesterol increases. But these changes are only seen in case of long term use of steroids as in immunosuppression, Severe asthma, Inflammatory conditions, etc.
Short term and low dose steroid medications do not have a major impact on the lipid profile.
Hope I have answered your query.
I will be available to answer your follow up queries.
Yes, such long duration of prednisolone and the dosage mentioned would probably associated with altered cholesterol levels as i have explained before.
Reduced HDL , elevated total cholesterol and LDL would be some important findings.
I hope this helps.