Question: had xposr with csw in thailand 8 mths ago .immidiately after two days had urethral burning senstain in penis ,this was followed by ARS like symptoms swollen nodes,
dry cough,
chest pain that lasted for around 6 months,oral ulcers that lasted for about a month including one big oral ulcer that also took over a month to heal after which had dry mouth for a month with candidias and mild
seborrhea around nose dry lips dry crusty nose mild
fungal infection an skin svere fatigue and
dizziness for close to a month which got better whn 1500mcg of b12 was taken per day ...also palms and soles itched a lot ,creeping crawling weird itching sensation on face ONLY DURING SLEEPING..girlfrnd had symptoms like small boils on scalp ,sudden acne ..kissing recurrent ulcers on labia that stayed for a month despite antibiotics but resolved post application of nadibact cream ..and svre
facial rash which was probably triggered by use of a cream for acne..r have dn tests done for all stds herpes,syphillis,chlamydia,HTLV
antibodies at 8 months post exposr all came negtve also got HIV 1and 2 RNA and CMIA duo at over 7 Mths post xposr in INDIA which was also negtv currently only on d3 and b12 (1500mcg) per day ..all tests have been negative RNA 1/2 CMIA 1/2 negative want to knw if these tests also detect subtype E CRF01_AE found in thailand aas exposr happened there and also other rare subtypes can the tests post 8 mths be taken as conclusive