Can Ovarian Cancer Be Cured?
not good unfortunately
Detailed Answer:
Hi and welcome to HCM.
Ovarian cancer is unforutnately very malignant and discovered in late stage so in most cases tumor is already spread outside ovary. If there is sign of tumor on peritoneum than this is stage 3b, and if there are metastases in liver or other organs thne this is stage 4. In case of stage 3,complete cure is possible in less than 10% of patients and survival rate without any treatment is around 12 months. If chemotherapy is used, 24-36 months may be achieved. Only possible cure would be surgery called HIPEC and but this is not done in all hospitals and it is indicated only in minority of cases. WIth chemotherapy and HIPEC there are chances of 5 and more years survival(40%) and complete cure is possible in around 10% as I said. In stage 4 there is no cure and survival is less than 12 months. WIsh you good health. Regards