Can Physical Activity Affect The Recovery Of The Genital Skin Irritation?
walking is fine
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Physical activity would not affect your recovery, especially an activity such as walking which would not be associated with any harm to the area.
The use of boxers instead of underwear may be best because the boxers are less likely to cause any rubbing and discomfort.
Continue to take the oral antibiotics and use the cream 3 times a day.
If it hurts to apply the cream and clean the area then you may want to consider the use of pain killers may help, particularly anti inflammatory pain killers such as ibuprofen, naproxen ,cataflam.
One of these, taken at the usually dose should help to dampen any pain.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
can bathe normally
Detailed Answer:
Yes, use the cream in the full stitched area. It should take 1 to 2 weeks for healing, most persons use stitches that would dissolve.
You can bathe/shower after a 24 hour period has passed since the surgery , bathe as normal.
As your doctor mentioned , retract to the point that you are comfortable and apply the cream.
With continued retraction and healing, you should eventually be able to retract fully.
The use of the pain killers mentioned should help
Please feel free to ask anything else
can use paracetamol instead
Detailed Answer:
If these cause a problem then you can use paracetamol instead or use reflux/bloating along with one of the other medications mentioned (ibuprofen/naproxen/cataflam).
Reflux meds such as prilosec, pravacid, tums, pepcid, zantac or nexium
If anything else unclear, you can let me know
part of body normal's reaction
Detailed Answer:
Yes, swelling is a normal reaction to any trauma (including surgical trauma). It is part of the body's inflammatory response.
If it persists beyond a few days or worsens or is associated with any signs of infection then it is problematic but in the majority of persons it is due to normal inflammation.
Feel free to ask anything else