Can Sinus, Allergy And Immune Problems Stunt Growth Forever. Looking For Suggestion
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I am a medical specialist with an additional degree in cardiology.
Growth of a person in height depends on length of our limb bones mainly. Ft usion of terminal growing part fuses with main shaft of bone and that halts the further growth. The commonest cause I see in cardiology is in those congenital heart disease patients who are blue. There is lack of oxygen in blood and this leads to early fusion and these children remain stunted. Where as other group of heart disease children who for a variety of reasons suffer from repeated lower respiratory tract infections (pneumonia) show decreased weight but height is seldom affected. So. your hypothesis about infections allergy is not true in these cases at least. Apart from how tall your parents were that is genetic factors, growth depends on 5 factors, I shall describe these briefly:
Height is determined by many factors and many factors can stunt growth as well. It is important to take good care of the body. And to help increase height, it is important to know what factors prohibits growth in the body. Here are some factors that dramatically stunts growth:
When eating carbohydrate loaded foods such as potatoes, rice, bread
cereals and pasta, the body is also taking in too many calories. The calories can result in to weight gain and too much weight can make a person appear shorter because it can possibly compress the spine and prevent growth. Excessive carbohydrates are not only a large obstacle but it also counteracts any effort made towards height gain.
2. Proteins
Too little protein in the body can also hurt the body. The body needs significant amount of protein to grow. Proteins break
down to amino acids which also composes the human growth hormone. The human growth hormone causes the body to grow. Aside from that, protein helps the digestive track metabolize food and create other enzymes needed for growth
3, Sleep
Lack of sleep prevents maximum production of human growth hormones and having too much sleep makes a person gain weight. 8 hours is the recommended length of sleep
4. Exercise
For a person to generate and release the human growth hormone, exercises play a crucial role. Stretching Exercise increase the cartilage which supports the decompression and growth of the spine during sleep. Exercising also increases metabolism to help the body effectively use the nutrients taken from dieting.
5. Posture
Many peple are shorter than they should be because of bad posture. The spine must be kept straight to take lead of all the work done towards height gain. Hunching over, having rounded shoulders or slouching compresses the spinal column prohibiting it to grow to its full potential.
In your case deficiency of growth hormone needs to be considered. In fact this does not affect on any other part of body like intellectual development, If you have a further query please ask I shall answer asap.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
http://www/ WWW.WWWW.WW
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By intellectual development, I mean was, Growth Hormone(GH) is needed for only physical size of human body. It is not needed for growth of intellect meaning there are people in whom GH was completely absent with IQ in the range of very intelligent. They have been known to pursue many a profession- where physical attributes are not the pre-requisite.Regards.
With Best Wishes
Dr Anil Grover,
M.B.;B.S, M.D. (Internal Medicine) D.M.(Cardiology)
http://www/ WWW.WWWW.WW