Can Swollen Tonsil Lead To Tonsil Cancer?
it is unlikely you have cancer
Detailed Answer:
There are many reasons for single sided swelling of the tonsil like an infection , a stone or a cyst in the tonsil and you could be having any one of them!
Since your lymph node swelling has gone down with augmentin , it is likely that you are having a tonsil infection.
Please meet your ent doctor for further advice , and to look for any other focus of infection.
If you have sudden increase in size , or an ulcer develops on the surface of the tonsil , or you smoke and drink , then it is advisable to have a thorough examination by an ent doctor to rule out a cancerous lesion , otherwise you need not worry.
I would like you to gargle with warm salt water 2-3 times a day and wait for another 3-4 days for the swelling to subside.
Dont worry!!
You will be fine!
Take care
If I DO have cancer, wouldn't one of my blook tests showed something abnormal--elevated sed rate or something?
you dont have cancer!!
Detailed Answer:
Well , from what you have told me , it is clear to me that you are not having cancer.
However i would still like you to meet a ent doctor , just to be on the safe side!
Blood tests will be normal in cancer and biopsy from the tonsil is the best way diagnose cancer , however in my opinion i dont think you will need that at present.
Please dont worry , you will be fine!
please wait for 2-3 more days
Detailed Answer:
Augmentin is a good drug and will definitely help reduce the infection of your tonsil and lymph node.
It can take around 3-4 days for the infection to subside, so i would like you to wait for at least 2-3 days more.
Dont worry , the swelling will come down.