Can Type 1 Diabetes Be Cured By Taking Insulin Injection?
is there ant chance that he can be cure and not insulin dependent
Type 1 Diabetes may not be autoimmune always.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your question.
Noted your concern.
Considering the fact that your son presented in DKA and has very low levels of C-peptide possibility of Type 1 diabetes is almost certain.
Type 1 Diabetes may be
- Autoimmune in which GAD65 anitbodies, Islet cell antibody, Insulin antibody may be positive.
- Non-autoimmune in which above antibodies may not be detected.
Also family history of Type 2 diabetes, physical examination of your child, presence of signs of insulin resistance may have some role in deciding future course of Diabetes (Type 1 vs Type 2).
At present possibility of Type 1 diabetes is almost certain, though future course of diabetes need to be observed closely.
Though whatever the Type of diabetes, acceptance of disease and keeping diabetes under control are more important.
You and your family members should be aware of diabetes treatment and possible complications of diabetes itself and its treatment.
Keep follow up with your diabetologist.
Hope this helps you.
Dr. Abhay Mali.
Diabetes education.
Detailed Answer:
You should know about hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level) which is one of the side-effect of insulin treatment.
One should know warning signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia its prevention and action to be taken during episode of hypoglycaemia.
At this point of time it is not wise to discuss complications of diabetes on this platform.
Diabetes education is a on going process.
Your treating diabetologist is a right person to discuss these issues. One to one contact is important.
Hope this helps you.