Can Usage Of Hydrogen Peroxide On The Skin Cause A Chemical Burn?
monitor, anti inflammatory, one cleanser, topical antibiotic
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
Peroxide can cause wounds to turn white temporarily, this would normally only occur for a few minutes.
It is important to only apply the cleaning agents to the affected areas and not to the normal skin.
The burning is also temporarily, this should start to decrease within minutes though it may not completely resolve.
The redness of the sore itself and the immediate surrounding skin is normal but it should extend too far beyond the sore.
A red cut/bruise/sore, usually mean that there is no infection present. .. no pus present.
There is no need to apply multiple cleansers/chemicals, this would irritate the skin too much.
You should use either the dilute peroxide or the wipes when you clean it next tomorrow.
If it is very painful then the use of anti inflammatory pain medication would be helpful. The burning is due to inflammation of the skin from the sore and also from the chemicals, so the anti inflammatory meds would help eg naproxen, ibuprofen, cataflam
You can consider the use of a topical antibiotic to the area twice daily
Summary: (1) burning would decrease, can monitor
(2)if it is very severe however, the use of anti inflammatory meds would help
(3)use only one cleanser, can be done twice daily. Can use one of the above or use a normal saline cleanser (salt water).
Salt water is a very good cleanser
(4)topical antibiotic
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions