Chest X-ray Showed Bilateral Hilar Congestion. Is It Serious?
Is it serious? Or does it make any risky situations in the future? And yes i do smoke..
Because im getting anxiety disorder .. I did MRI for my brain and CT scan for my heart they r all clear nothing serious.. Im also getting panic attacks sometimes feeling dizzy 24\7 like im gona faint.. So please doctor provide me with more information about bilateral hilar congestion .. Is it serious.. If i stop smoking will it go away? Coz im really worried about the attacks im getting.. I feel unsafe :(
Bilateral hilar congestion is a very non-specific finding, and it depends on the clinical scenario. If you have shortness of breath together with this finding it could mean you have an early pulmonary oedema (water in your lungs) or a cardiac problem, however I reviewed your chest x-ray and it looks normal for your age. Usually young people may have increased vascularity and it is a normal finding. Nothing serious.
However I want to emphasize that smoking definitely increases your risk of cardiac and pulmonary problems in the long run, and I highly advise you to quit. It would be highly unlikely that you already developed complications from it at such a young age.
Try to control your anxiety with other means besides cigarettes, and if you are addicted to it, then try nicotine patches.
Hope that answers your questions, let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.