Child Has Fever, Sour Taste In Mouth, Body Pain, Sleeping. Looking For Advice
I have a 4 and a half year old has had a fever for 2 days now. The highest has been 103. That isn't what's bothering me. What is bothering me is that she says her body hurts and everything I give her to eat "tastes sour". I even tried her favorite treat, a chocolate popsicle, and she said it tasted sour and wouldn't eat it. Yesterday she voluntarily took a nap, something she fights against like it is torture. she slept for 4.5 hours. She has never had the body aches and sour taste complaints before, so I'm looking for some advice.
Thanks for writing in.
I do understand your concern. In my opinion, it is the fever and relative inactivity which needs more attention. Taste often gets altered when children get sick and the sour taste she complains about is most probably because of that. However, it could also be due to other reasons like gastroesophageal reflux or even a problem in the teeth.
I would like to know if she has been excessively sleepy, or is having any cold, cough or any other symptoms that you might think are unusual.
I would want you to give her paracetamol for the fever at the dose of 15mg/kg repeated 4-6 hourly. This will bring down the fever. If the inactivity still persists for a few more days, please see a physician. An examination followed by a lumbar puncture may be required. We would be looking to rule out any infection like meningitis or encephalitis.
Awaiting your reply.