Child Suffering From Mumps. I Need To Know The Medication.
Thanks for posting your query.
I feel you meant to say mumps. mumps is a disease caused by a virus, spreads through saliva and breath in children and adults. If had once, may not recur in lifetime again.
Usually the cheeks (the parotid glands behind cheeks and below ear) get swollen and painful with high fever. In local language its called galgund.
As it is a viral fever, its likely to settle on its own in 2 weeks unless complicated.
There are no specific medicines unless complicated . The therapy is primarily symptomatic. Maximum danger may be in first 10 days when its likely to spread and may cause acute pneumonia, kidney or gonad problems. Mumps virus is known to affect testes and ovaries.
Take care of your baby's hydration with lot o fluids. Syp. Crocin can be given in case of high fever.
Consult your Pediatrician in case general condition is worsening.
I hope, I have answered your query.
I will be available for follow up queries if any.