Conceived Via Ivf, Taking Gestone Injection. Have Severe Rashes, Given Cetrizine. Safe To Continue Gestone?
Detailed Answer:
Firstly, congratulations on your IVF pregnancy !
Gestone contains progesterone in oil and it is possible that you have had an allergic reaction to it.
However for all practical reasons it is unwise to stop progesterone at this stage, as it is supportive to the growing pregnancy. You should consult your gynaecologist, and opt for another form of progesterone support. This could be in the form of progesterone vaginal capsules, or progesterone gels, which are less likely to cause allergic reactions.
I would like to review all other medications that you are taking, as that would also let me know if some other substance is the culprit here.
Since the rash could also be due to allergy to some other thing - food, cold weather, heat, clothes, fabric, perfume, moisturizer - basically anything that comes into contact with your skin or your body. You can also consider visiting a dermatologist to exclude other causes of allergies and pregnancy specific skin conditions.
Stopping the Gestone and substituting a different agent would be like a trial - if the rashes don't recur, they were mostly due to Gestone.
All the best.
Please feel free to discuss further.
Detailed Answer:
Hi again.
Thrombomark would not be responsible for the rashes.
Maybe you are rubbing it in too deep, it is meant to be applied only lightly and superficially.
Ice bags are equally effective in reducing pain and swelling due to gestone, you can use them instead of the ointment.
Cetirizine is safe to be taken during pregnancy.
If the rashes do not reappear, you can continue using Gestone.
However if they recur, seek the opinion of a Dermatologist to rule out any other possibilities.
Gestone would not harm the fetus at all, but ignoring the rashes is not advisable, as it might indicate deep seated allergic reaction or some other pathology.
Please feel free to discuss anything else that might be troubling you.
All the best with your pregnancy !