Could Medications For Delaying Periods Cause Less Bleeding And Delay In Periods In Consequent Months?
My wife is getting period delay from last two months, we have got married before two months, also now she bleeds only for 2 days & very lesser, previously before marriage her period was for 4-5 days with heavy flow.
What is the cause of it?
She has taken some tablets to delay her period during marriage for 6 days, is it the effect of same?
Is it serious problem or not?
Relax a bit,this is absolutely not a serious problem.There are various possible reasons for change in the pattern of menstrual cycle of your wife.
First as you have written,the hormonal pills which she has taken for timing of menstruation.It is routinely observed that for couple of months after this kind of tablets in some patients such kind of irregularities are seen.
The second possibility could be change in the environment for your wife,as females are very sensitive and psychological pressure or discomfort at times can also lead to this.There is always an aliment of anxiety in new married.
You should wait for a month for this to become normal.In case even after one month means next cycle the things does not settle,it is better to visit a gynecologist in your city for examination.
A word of caution for you,please take precautions to avoid pregnancy in early months as your wife quite young to become a mother at this stage.Please avoid confusion by taking any more pills at this time.
I hope I have answered your query, still If you have queries please get back to me. Enjoy the golden days of your life.