Developed Pain In Kneecap While Walking. Noticed Swollen Knee. What Might It Be?
About a week ago I developed a pain in my knee cap when walking.
However, on Saturday night I noticed that the back of my knee is swollen. It is quite tender and a little painful.
Can you give me any ideas as to what it might be?
Thank you
Your question is a very good one and I will work on providing you with some good information and recommendations regarding what is going on.
From the information you have submitted I am fairly confident that what you are experiencing is a Baker's cyst. This is a fluid collection that can occur behind the knee. It is sometimes related to repetitive motion injury or stress on the knee.
The usual treatment for this is rest and elevation of your leg. In addition you might use some anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen for a couple of weeks. If the symptoms do not get any better or if they get worse you may discuss this with an orthopedic surgeon. Sometimes the fluid in the cyst may be drained.
Thank you again for submitting your question. I hope you have found my response to be helpful. If you have additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert
Many Thanks for your response.
There is only a swelling behind my knee - no discolouring or rash etc. Sometimes my thigh / calf feels achy but other times it is fine.
However, There is a history of DVT in my family - would you advise to seeing a doctor regarding this as i have been tested to ensure that i do not have the same defect in my blood as my father - which i do not have. So can i rule a dvt out?
MAny Thanks In advance
Regarding your family history I think it is reasonable to have an ultrasound performed although my clinical suspicion that you have a XXXXXXX venous thrombosis is relatively low. At the same time since you do have a family history is reasonable to check this type of thing.
The ultrasound is a very quick and easy test and can give us results instantly.
Thank you again for submittung your question. If you have any additional concerns I would be happy to address them.
Dr. Robert