Developed Rashes In Mouth. Hard To Drink Or Swallow. Feeling Tired And Sleepy. Looking For Cure
Thanks for your query.
Fever especially those caused by virus / streptococcus (scarlet fever) can produce erythematous rashes over the tongue and skin. Here the rashes usually disappear in a few days as fever subsides. The rash you have seems to be part of symptoms of infection and so are the easy tiredness and drowsiness.
The next step would be to rule out scarlet fever by getting a throat swab tested using a strep test kit. You can get this test done with the assistance of your family or through your doctor. If the test comes positive you would need a course of antibiotic.
In the meantime continue drinking enough fluids. Warm gargles with salt or chlorhexidine / dissolvable aspirin can be helpful.
Hope this answers your query. Let me know if you need further assistance. If it's clear and you do not have any follow up queries, please close this discussion.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
I apologize for the delayed response. I was out of station and was unable to access internet, hence the delay.
The condition is not very serious in nature. However we need to differentiate streptococcal infection from the virus. The strep test that I suggested earlier is one of the ways to differentiate it.
1. If the strep test comes positive, we can treat it easily with currently available antibiotics. A short course of pencilin / macrolide / broad spectrum antibiotic should take care of it.
If the test comes negative and what you have is mostly a viral infection, then the symptoms are self remitting. You should be fine in 3-5 days time.
2. As far as spread is concerned, this infection spreads by droplets - coughing and sneezing. Avoid close proximity with family and friends (especially those who are very young and very old).
3. I would expect you to recover without many complications. Warm saline gargles and anti-inflammatory drugs (Tylenol or ibuprofen) should take care of most symptoms. If the symptoms worsen or if strep test come positive, you need to consult your physician. Not treating a positive strep or worsening symptom can lead to progress of symptoms - affecting other organs. Life threatening complications are rare though.
Hope this information answers your query at the same time encourages you to consult a physician. Let me know if you need any more information.
If all your queries are answered, please close this discussion.
It's nice to hear that you are recovering. Continue warm saline gargles.
Ibuprofen can be taken in the dose of 200mg twice a day half an hour after food for 2-3 days.
The pain in the abdominal area may be due to gastritis secondary to Ibuprofen. Try taking some antacid like "pepcid" half an hour before food thrice a day for the next few days and see if that helps. It may not be related to the infection per se as such.
Watch the progress of symptoms and get the strep test at the earliest.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
Let me know if you need more assistance. If there are no follow ups, do close this discussion.