Diagnosed With Gastritis. Often Throat Closes And Unable To Swallow Or Talk With Food Like Orange Juice. Suggest?
Thank you for contacting XXXXXXX From your description ,
it sounds like you might have spasms in the esophagus
due to acid reflux. You mention "Gastritis". I assume that
diagnosis was made after endoscopy and biopsy. I also
assume that you are on some sort of acid control medication
such as Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole or Esomeprazole.
If you are on any one of these , make sure that you take it daily
and about60-90 minutes before your main meal of the day.
You should avoid excess caffeine, extremely spicy foods, fatty and
fried foods and tomato based products. No alcohol or tobacco.
Citrus is also bad for acid.
Some times , there is a condition called "Globus" which is a feeling
of lump in the throat which can happen if you are very anxious or
tense. If you really had a narrowing or stricture of the esophagus,
you will have food sticking and that happens any time you eat solid
Hope this gives you some explanation of what might be happening.
I wish you good luck.