Diagnosed With Granular Pharyngitis. Feeling Lump In Throat And Difficulty In Breathing. Any Cure?
Thanks for posting your query.
Granular Pharyngitis is a condition of the throat wherein there is infection over the posterior pharyngeal wall (back of the throat).The small white spots are the pus filled granulations; these are produced as a result of infection in this region, which could be due to Group-A Streptococci. Throat pain, irritation, feeling of lump in the throat and difficulty in breathing are its major symptoms.
The Main treatment options are antibiotics and it should respond to antibiotics within 7-10 days. But the major problem of non-response with antibiotics therapy is resistance.
I think in your cases also there is resistance of the organism towards azithromycin (Azibact), so you don’t get any response.
Please follow the above suggestions-
1. Please do a culture and sensitivity test of throat swab. This will tell us the type of infection, and also the drugs which would be most effective.
2. In the meantime you can change your antibiotics from azithromycin (Azibact) to any 2nd or 3rd generation oral cephalosporin till the throat swab culture and sensitivity report come.
3. Along with that you can take Ibuprofen, use Povidone iodine mouth gargles as you are using or throat spray (to be used after food), and a proton pump inhibitor like omeprazole (as undiagnosed Gastro esophageal reflux disease one of the major factors of delay in antibiotics response)
4. Drink plenty of warm water and avoid oily food, chilled food and coffee for few days till you recover.
Please consult an ENT surgeon, the test to be done and drugs to be taken according to his advice.
Hope I have answered your query .If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer and write a review.
Wish you good health.
Dr Sourav Ganguly