Diagnosed With Plasma Sugar -fasting 156 And Pp. Hypertension And Taking Amlopress. Urine Test Showed Traces Of Albumin. Remedy?
Thanks for posting query.
From your both reports it seems that you have controlled your blood sugar quite fine and I should congratulate for having good control with strict diet control.
At present there is no need of medicines for diabetes.
Continue with diet control.
Having traces of albumin in urine is no present problem to be worried.
Go for all reports after a month and afterwards go for follow up.
Cut down quantity of alcohol and cigarettes as you are having high blood pressure and these factors aggravates atherosclerosis formation in arteries might giving rise to insufficiency of blood supply to heart and other organs as well.
Go for S. cholesterol and Lipid profile.
Do daily regular exercise like walking, swimming for 30-35 minutes daily, 5 days in a week.
I hope, I answered your query to your satisfaction.
If you have further query or clarification, please write back.
Ok and take care.
Dr. Ramesh Vachharajani. Ahmedabad.
Tot Cholesterol 177
Triglycerides 256
LDl 90
HDL 29
I was on Attorva statin (Storvas-EZ 10 mg/day) till yesterday. I have re done my Lipid profile, it has drastically reduced following are the readings
Total Cholesterol 100
Triglycerides 106
HDL Cholesterol 34
LDL Cholesterol 44.8
VLDL 21.2
TC/HDLC Ratio 2.9
LDLC/HDLC Ratio 1.3
Is this profile OK? Is this drastic reduction a concern? Should I stop Storvas-EZ? Kindly advise
Thanks for posting query again.
Your S. cholesterol and Lipid profile are quite normal.
You may stop taking atorvastatin.
CBC report is normal except a bit high Eosinophil count and if there is no signs of having any allergy, no treatment required.
Urine shows urinary tract infection.
If you have got signs and symptoms of having UTI, like burning micturition, fever etc,you may go for a course of antibiotic medicine for 5 days.
Take plenty of water.
I hope I answered your query.
If you do not have further clarification, you can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Ok and take care.