Disintegrating Canine Tooth. Permanent Tooth Still Below Gum. Suitable Treatment?
2) How much both the treatmeents will cost
Thanks for writing in.
I would like to tell you that usually primary canine sheds & permanent canine erupts at the age of 13yrs but now you are 41 & still permanent tooth has not erupted so you need to get it extracted.
Its better to get both canines extracted.
Implant is better than bridge because bridge involves cutting of adjacent teeth while implant involves drillinga hole into bone & placing a screw in that bone followed by capping.
Implant placement takes time & is expensive than bridge.
lmplant costs around Rs20,000 & bridge costs around Rs 6000.
For details contact prosthdontist & go for proper clinical examination.
If all critrias are fulfilled than you can go for implant.
Hope I cleared all your queries.
Dr.Neha Sumra