Do I Have To Retest For HIV If The Result Was Negative?
I am a male 34 years.
Before 2007 I was sexually active and had unsafe sex with ladies for several times.
2009 December I had sex with a sex worker. As I remember it was with condom. But I did not recheck the condom as I was drunk and I was afraid that I handled unsafe.
I was very worried and after 13 weeks I have made a blood test for all STD s and all came negative included HIV and hepatitis.
After this I had 2 massages from ladies which ended up by a hand job. One tai massage and one rough Turkish massage. I had no condom as it was only a hand job and they had there clothes ON.
I did not test after those 2 experiences.
After first massage my wife got pregnant and was tested for HIV and hepatitis and all was negative.
Is there any real risk for HIV or hepatitis? Do I have to take the tests again?
Thank you for the query,
In 2009 you had a sexual contact with a sex worker and you were not sure whether you had a condom or not. Following this you had a HIV test done after about 3 months which came out negative.
Now in HIV infection at times the window period is long and may stretch to say 6 months. So it is very important that you get a re-check up done for HIV, which is usually done after 6 months of contact. In your case this is due. Kindly get this done. You can go for HIV-ELISA and WESTERN BLOT test( for confirmation).
As fas as other STDs are concerned, you should get a VDRL test & TPHA test to rule out syphilis. Other STDs are ruled out if you do not have any symptoms.
I would also advise that your wife should also get tested for HIV and other STDs at 3 months and 6 months interval.
Regarding massage encounter with the ladies is concerned, it doesn't seems to be of any significance since there was no exchange of any fluid or mucosa.
In hepatitis, type A,B, & C all can be transmitted by sexual contact, but the most common type which can be transmitted is type B. If you have got the test done and there are no symptoms then probably you are safe.
I'll briefly mention some of the presenting complaints which you should look for in your body.They are as follows:
1) any ulcer over penis-painful or painless
2) chronic fever
3) swelling of lymph nodes esp over groins.
4) water filled vesicles over penis.
5) any warty lesion over genitalia(warts).
6) any small umblicated growth( molluscum contagiosum)
7) any discharge per urethra or burning sensation while micturation/urination.
8) cough or oral ulcers
9) weight loss
10) headache & fatigue
11) loss of appetite
It is important to understand that symptoms of HIV are same as that of any flu or any other infection. So if yo have any of these symptoms then please seek medical evaluation by a specialist.
Hope I've answered your query. But if you have any further questions, kindly write back to us. I'll be available for your follow up questions as-well.
Dr.Bharat chawda
Why the specialists in holland say that if there is a HIV infection, then there should be antibodies found in the blood? Maybe deferent test? Trust me I asked many specialists and this was just a fifth opinion.
My wife is tested as I told you.
And I was tested after 13 weeks.
Siphlis was tested after 3 months of that possible risk.
I was quite sure I used a condom but I was not 100% sure the condom wasn't damaged during sex.
I am very confused now.
Sure I sometimes have ulcer in mouth but that happens to so many people.
I never got fever in the last 4 years.
As I just did quit smoking I cough a little bit.
Weightless happened last 6 months because of stress and I lost 5 kilos but I gained weight again.
There many posts on WWW.WWWW.WW and one of them is
They all say 3 months is very near to 100%
There are couple of 6 months cases reported but I don't hope I'm that unlucky
It is very rare for someone who has HIV to take 6 months to test positive. The production of the antibodies detected in the test depends on how good the person's immune system is at the time of infection. Someone whose immune system has been damaged by something else (such as treatment for cancer, or antirejection medications taken after organ transplant) prior to HIV infection would not produce antibodies as fast as someone who has a good immune system. Someone with a good immune system would be more likely to test positive within 3 months. The person with the poor immune system may take up to 6 months to test positive.
I do HIV education and testing.
Thank you for the reply,
You are absolutely right regarding formation of antibodies, which are formed in the body, but it takes time to develop. And these help in the diagnosis. At times these are formed with 3 months (depending upon your immunity), or may even take 6 months to develop.
So to be doubly sure about the status of HIV you should get the test done at two intervals (3rd & 6th month of exposure).
I can understand the confusion and apprehension in your case. I would advise you and your wife should get tested for HIV at 3rd & 6th month of exposure, so that there is no space for any error or any chance of misdiagnosis.
Since you have already been tested at 3rd month, then only test required is at 6th month now.
As far as other STDs are concerned, since you don't have any symptoms, I would advise you not worry about it.
Hope I have answered your query.
Wish you good health.
Dr.Bharat Chawda.
If this story is theoretical then I would say that a plane can crash my head after one hour. There is a chance that this happens.
I mean I am sure I used a condom. Even if I didn't use a condom all HIV specialists are saying that the infection is not that easy because HIV visrus is a weak virus and from woman to man is very difficult to transfer if there is no STD in between like chlamydia or something else .
I seen in your profile that your speciality is more dermatology and hair laser technique and so on.
I sent a question to a HIV specialist
I called the hiv/253657?iL=true" >aids information line. Also have been asking many specialists of HIV . Thet all say if person have imune system disease which person really will feel, then the body might not make antybodies quickly. So means he might need 6 months for another test. Winnow period is HIV virus is XXXXXXX 84 days which is 12 weeks or 3 months.
I am really asking myself if you are a specialist in aids or HIV
And with the current elisa test in holland antibodies will be found even if minimum.
So everybody here is saying 3 months. This is decided from a conference with profs and doctors and aids communities
Thanks again for writing back,
Just a word about myself before I give my opinion. I am a Dermatologist, Venereologist and a Leprologist. We consult all STD cases including HIV, apart from dermatology. Laser & hair are my super-specialization and my area of interest too. Being head of the department in Dermatology in a multi-specialty hospital I deal with all the above related cases.
XXXXXXX probably you didn't get me what I wanted to convey. I'll again try and put my point. Since you had a sexual encounter with sex worker and were not very sure that the condom broke or not.In this contest ,I as a doctor would like to be doubly sure that my patient is HIV negative(since we don't know the status of the sex worker).
The basic test required are HIV-ELISA & WESTERN BLOT(confirmatory).These are the tests which detect antibodies formed in the body (after infection) .Now depending upon the ones immune system antibodies may take certain time to form,which according to literature is 3- 6 months.The average time would be 2-8 weeks.
As far as the window period in HIV is concerned it is about 2 to 12 weeks usually,but in some cases it can be 6 months too.It is actually a period your body take to produce antibodies after you have been infected.It may take approx 3 months after the exposure for the test to be 97% accurate .And in 6 months it be more or absolutely certain.
My experience of 12 years says that not to take any chances in such cases ,but if in your country the doctors are sure about the window period of 3 months ,then I would advise you to follow them ,as I can only advise and give my second opinion.
For references kindly log on to this page: WWW.WWWW.WW
There is one more test which can give you the earliest result and that is p24 Ag test. This test is not carried out in all centers, so if you can find out at any of the referral centers or at the blood bank it would be good. Since this is an Ag test it would be the earliest one to be positive.
There is a PCR test also ,which again is not done at many of the places, but can be carried out to find the viral load. I would not recommend you that.This is done more in follow up cases.A PCR test detects the viral load in a HIV person, and that can be done even in a weeks time after exposure.It does not detects antibodies.
Other test like RAPID ANTIBODY TEST or ORAQUICK & ORASURE TEST are also available .
The chances of getting HIV infection from a infected partner in unprotected sex is only 0.05% .And in case of protected sex it further reduces by 80% .So, Condom is nearly 100% effective if there is no spillage or condom failure.
"I would like to repeat that my advise should be taken as a second opinion only and is not to challenge any of your doctors opinion or to change their opinion".
I wish and hope that this advise along with your doctors advise would help you reach a firm conclusion .
Wish you and your wife good health.
Dr.Bharat Chawda
Have you seen cases? Who had 3 months negative and after six months positive? No risk during this period?
I just tapped blood at the hospital to follow your advice and the peace of my mind...
I am happy that you got the repeat test done. I would wish that it comes negative. And since you don't have any symptoms either the chances of it being negative is more. I am sure this would remove all your apprehensions & fears in mind.
Yes, there are cases which have got positive result after a long time also. This at times becomes difficult to predict in cases who are sexually promiscuous. There are certainly cases which show false negative result at an early stage.
Hope I've answered your query. But if you have any further questions, kindly write back to us. I'll be available for your follow up questions as-well.
Dr.Bharat chawda