Does Adcal-D Increase Cardio-vascular Risk?
It is safe taking ADcal-D in your situation.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern and would explain that this medication is safe in your situation.
It does not increase your cardio-vascular risk.
From the other hand you should close monitor vitamin D and calcium plasma levels in order to avoid possible overdose or hypercalcemia, during this supplement intake.
Regarding your family history, taking also into consideration your age, I would recommend periodically scheduled follow ups by your attending physician every 6 months including:
- a resting ECG
- a chest X ray study
- blood lab tests (complete blood count, blood lipid profile, fasting glucose, kidney and liver function tests).
Hope to have been helpful!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri