Does Hyoscyamine Interact With Reglan?
Supportive care
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and i understand your concern. IBS is diagnosis of exclusion and labelled only when all tests are positive. So this diarrhea predominant IBS needs mostly diet and lifestyle changes for the relief. Use of reglan has worsened diarrhea and should not have been taken. Hyoscyamine and antispasmodics like eg, peppermint oil, pinaverium, trimebutine, cimetropium/dicyclomine, TCAs like amitriptyline , anti diarrheals like loperamide can be tried.
But more important is diet lifestyle adjustment. More fiber, more fluids, less dairy, no spices, less fatty foods, least processed canned foods, least chocolates, least coffee tea cola alcohol etc, More probiotics, more yogurt with peppermint in it will help IBS symptoms. Take BRAT diet ( Banana, rice, applesauce and toast) when diarrhea is there.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and dont forget to close the discussion please.