Does Ledapro Have A Effect On The Prolactin Levels?
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
With irregular cycles, ovulation predictor kits are not reliable.
It is best to go for follicular monitoring ( serial scans ) to document ovulation.
Yes, if you fail to conceive after trying for a year, only then should further investigations be done.
But yes, what you can do is try and remain sexually active every alternate day, starting from the 10th day of your periods, that way ovulation is surely covered.
The problem would arise if you are not ovulating, that can only be documented by follicular monitoring.
Yes, Lexapro does increase prolactin levels, which in turn, impact both regular cycles and regular ovulation.
It would impact your ability to conceive by increased prolactin levels.
By diminishing dosage of Lexapro, yes, levels would come to normal gradually.
Since you never know when to take a test, best wait till your longest time frame of 42 days and then take it.
Take care.
Please feel free to discuss further.
I have a follow up question: the presence of egg textured cervical mucus means that the woman is going to ovulate? Is cervical mucus directly linked to ovulation?
Detailed Answer:
Generally around ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes egg white like in consistency.
You can actually stretch it between two fingers like a thread.
Yes, cervical mucus is linked to ovulation.
With irregular cycles though, you should not rely much on that.
Take care.
Detailed Answer:
Because this sign is not 100 Percent confirmatory of ovulation.
It can be misinterpreted, because the ONLY confirmatory test of ovulation is seeing ovulation actually happening on the ultrasound scan via follicular monitoring.
Take care.