Does Orencia Worsen Pulmonary Fibrosis?
nd pulmonary fibrosis. Is orencia a safe treatment for my rate and not make my pulmonary fibrosis worse?
Direct worsening is impossible but it's also important to control RA
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Welcome to health care magic! Thanks for sharing your concerns with us. We will try to help you in best way possible. First of all, it is sad to know what you had gone through.
Based on the history you have shared, No direct relation is noted however, biological DMARDS, the group orencia belongs, can increase tendency of infections which may lead to fibrosis but that is rare sequelae of acute respiratory infections.
Otherwise only direct relation is a subgroup TNF alpha blockers whose tendency to increase fibrosis is still under dicussion and researches so far have shown very rare such incidences and still it's debatable that this increase was due to RA or the drug.
In any case, if RA is left uncontrolled it can worsen the fibrosis itself so it's better to control it and biological DMARDS are much better agents in that regard.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Regards.